diff --git a/js/filters.js b/js/filters.js
index bfc2719..2e4d312 100644
--- a/js/filters.js
+++ b/js/filters.js
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ weechat.filter('irclinky', ['$filter', function($filter) {
return text;
- var linkiedText = $filter('linky')(text, target);
// This regex in no way matches all IRC channel names (they could also begin with &, + or an
// exclamation mark followed by 5 alphanumeric characters, and are bounded in length by 50).
// However, it matches all *common* IRC channels while trying to minimise false positives.
@@ -40,8 +38,8 @@ weechat.filter('irclinky', ['$filter', function($filter) {
var channelRegex = /(^|[\s,.:;?!"'()+@-])(#+[^\x00\x07\r\n\s,:]*[a-z][^\x00\x07\r\n\s,:]*)/gmi;
// This is SUPER nasty, but ng-click does not work inside a filter, as the markup has to be $compiled first, which is not possible in filter afaik.
// Therefore, get the scope, fire the method, and $apply. Yuck. I sincerely hope someone finds a better way of doing this.
- linkiedText = linkiedText.replace(channelRegex, '$1$2');
- return linkiedText;
+ var substitute = '$1$2';
+ return text.replace(channelRegex, substitute);
@@ -66,6 +64,9 @@ weechat.filter('DOMfilter', ['$filter', '$sce', function($filter, $sce) {
return text;
+ // hacky way to pass an extra argument without using .apply, which
+ // would require assembling an argument array. PERFORMANCE!!!
+ var extraArgument = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : null;
var filterFunction = $filter(filter);
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = text;
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ weechat.filter('DOMfilter', ['$filter', '$sce', function($filter, $sce) {
// Recursive DOM-walking function applying the filter to the text nodes
var process = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) { // text node
- var value = filterFunction(node.nodeValue);
+ var value = filterFunction(node.nodeValue, extraArgument);
if (value !== node.nodeValue) {
// we changed something. create a new node to replace the current one
// we could also only add its children but that would probably incur