var weechat = angular.module('weechat', ['ngRoute', 'localStorage', 'weechatModels', 'plugins', 'ngSanitize', 'ngWebsockets', 'pasvaz.bindonce', 'ngTouch', 'ngAnimate']); weechat.filter('toArray', function () { 'use strict'; return function (obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Object)) { return obj; } return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return Object.defineProperty(obj[key], '$key', { value: key }); }); }; }); weechat.filter('irclinky', ['$filter', function($filter) { 'use strict'; return function(text, target) { if (!text) { return text; } var linkiedText = $filter('linky')(text, target); // This regex in no way matches all IRC channel names (they could begin with a +, an &, or an exclamation // mark followed by 5 alphanumeric characters, and are bounded in length by 50). // However, it matches all *common* IRC channels while trying to minimise false positives. "#1" is much // more likely to be "number 1" than "IRC channel #1". // Thus, we only match channels beginning with a # and having at least one letter in them. var channelRegex = /(^|[\s,.:;?!"'()])(#+[a-z0-9-_]*[a-z][a-z0-9-_]*)/gmi; // This is SUPER nasty, but ng-click does not work inside a filter, as the markup has to be $compiled first, which is not possible in filter afaik. // Therefore, get the scope, fire the method, and $apply. Yuck. I sincerely hope someone finds a better way of doing this. linkiedText = linkiedText.replace(channelRegex, '$1$2'); return linkiedText; }; }]); weechat.factory('handlers', ['$rootScope', 'models', 'plugins', function($rootScope, models, plugins) { var handleBufferClosing = function(message) { var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage); models.closeBuffer(buffer); }; var handleLine = function(line, manually) { var message = new models.BufferLine(line); var buffer = models.getBuffer(message.buffer); buffer.requestedLines++; // Only react to line if its displayed if (message.displayed) { message = plugins.PluginManager.contentForMessage(message, $rootScope.visible); buffer.addLine(message); if (manually) { buffer.lastSeen++; } if ( && !manually) { $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(); } if (!manually && (! || !$rootScope.isWindowFocused())) { if (buffer.notify > 1 && _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_message') && !_.contains(message.tags, 'notify_none')) { buffer.unread++; $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); } if ((buffer.notify !== 0 && message.highlight) || _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_private')) { buffer.notification++; $rootScope.createHighlight(buffer, message); $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); } } } }; var handleBufferLineAdded = function(message) { message.objects[0].content.forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, false); }); }; var handleBufferOpened = function(message) { var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage); models.addBuffer(buffer); models.setActiveBuffer(; }; var handleBufferTitleChanged = function(message) { var obj = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = obj.pointers[0]; var old = models.getBuffer(buffer); old.fullName = obj.full_name; old.title = obj.title; old.number = obj.number; }; var handleBufferRenamed = function(message) { var obj = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = obj.pointers[0]; var old = models.getBuffer(buffer); old.fullName = obj.full_name; old.shortName = obj.short_name; }; /* * Handle answers to (lineinfo) messages * * (lineinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is request after bufinfo completes */ var handleLineInfo = function(message, manually) { var lines = message.objects[0].content.reverse(); if (manually === undefined) { manually = true; } lines.forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, manually); }); }; /* * Handle answers to hotlist request */ var handleHotlistInfo = function(message) { if (message.objects.length === 0) { return; } var hotlist = message.objects[0].content; hotlist.forEach(function(l) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(l.buffer); // 1 is message buffer.unread += l.count[1]; // 2 is ? buffer.unread += l.count[2]; // 3 is highlight buffer.notification += l.count[3]; /* Since there is unread messages, we can guess * what the last read line is and update it accordingly */ var unreadSum = _.reduce(l.count, function(memo, num) { return memo + num; }, 0); buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - 1 - unreadSum; }); }; /* * Handle nicklist event */ var handleNicklist = function(message) { var nicklist = message.objects[0].content; var group = 'root'; nicklist.forEach(function(n) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]); if ( === 1) { var g = new models.NickGroup(n); group =; buffer.nicklist[group] = g; } else { var nick = new models.Nick(n); buffer.addNick(group, nick); } }); }; /* * Handle nicklist diff event */ var handleNicklistDiff = function(message) { var nicklist = message.objects[0].content; var group; nicklist.forEach(function(n) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]); var d = n._diff; if ( === 1) { group =; if (group === undefined) { var g = new models.NickGroup(n); buffer.nicklist[group] = g; group =; } } else { var nick = new models.Nick(n); if (d === 43) { // + buffer.addNick(group, nick); } else if (d === 45) { // - buffer.delNick(group, nick); } else if (d === 42) { // * buffer.updateNick(group, nick); } } }); }; var eventHandlers = { _buffer_closing: handleBufferClosing, _buffer_line_added: handleBufferLineAdded, _buffer_opened: handleBufferOpened, _buffer_title_changed: handleBufferTitleChanged, _buffer_renamed: handleBufferRenamed, _nicklist: handleNicklist, _nicklist_diff: handleNicklistDiff }; $rootScope.$on('onMessage', function(event, message) { if (_.has(eventHandlers, { eventHandlers[](message); } }); var handleEvent = function(event) { if (_.has(eventHandlers, { eventHandlers[](event); } }; return { handleEvent: handleEvent, handleLineInfo: handleLineInfo, handleHotlistInfo: handleHotlistInfo, handleNicklist: handleNicklist }; }]); weechat.factory('connection', ['$rootScope', '$log', 'handlers', 'models', 'ngWebsockets', function($rootScope, $log, handlers, models, ngWebsockets) { protocol = new weeChat.Protocol(); // Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks var connect = function (host, port, passwd, ssl, noCompression) { var proto = ssl ? 'wss' : 'ws'; var url = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/weechat"; $log.debug('Connecting to URL: ', url); var onopen = function () { // Helper methods for initialization commands var _initializeConnection = function(passwd) { // This is not the proper way to do this. // WeeChat does not send a confirmation for the init. // Until it does, We need to "assume" that formatInit // will be received before formatInfo ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatInit({ password: passwd, compression: noCompression ? 'off' : 'zlib' }) ); return ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatInfo({ name: 'version' }) ); }; var _requestHotlist = function() { return ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatHdata({ path: "hotlist:gui_hotlist(*)", keys: [] }) ); }; var _requestBufferInfos = function() { return ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatHdata({ path: 'buffer:gui_buffers(*)', keys: ['local_variables,notify,number,full_name,short_name,title'] }) ); }; var _requestSync = function() { return ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatSync({}) ); }; // First command asks for the password and issues // a version command. If it fails, it means the we // did not provide the proper password. _initializeConnection(passwd).then( function() { // Connection is successful // Send all the other commands required for initialization _requestBufferInfos().then(function(bufinfo) { var bufferInfos = bufinfo.objects[0].content; // buffers objects for (var i = 0; i < bufferInfos.length ; i++) { var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferInfos[i]); models.addBuffer(buffer); // Switch to first buffer on startup if (i === 0) { models.setActiveBuffer(; } } }); _requestHotlist().then(function(hotlist) { handlers.handleHotlistInfo(hotlist); }); _requestSync(); $"Connected to relay"); $rootScope.connected = true; }, function() { // Connection got closed, lets check if we ever was connected successfully if (!$rootScope.waseverconnected) { $rootScope.passwordError = true; } } ); }; var onmessage = function() { // If we recieve a message from WeeChat it means that // password was OK. Store that result and check for it // in the failure handler. $rootScope.waseverconnected = true; }; var onclose = function (evt) { /* * Handles websocket disconnection */ $"Disconnected from relay"); failCallbacks('disconnection'); $rootScope.connected = false; $rootScope.$emit('relayDisconnect'); if (ssl && evt.code === 1006) { // A password error doesn't trigger onerror, but certificate issues do. Check time of last error. if (typeof $rootScope.lastError !== "undefined" && ( - $rootScope.lastError) < 1000) { // abnormal disconnect by client, most likely ssl error $rootScope.sslError = true; } } $rootScope.$apply(); }; var onerror = function (evt) { /* * Handles cases when connection issues come from * the relay. */ $log.error("Relay error", evt); $rootScope.lastError =; if (evt.type === "error" && this.readyState !== 1) { failCallbacks('error'); $rootScope.errorMessage = true; } }; protocol.setId = function(id, message) { return '(' + id + ') ' + message; }; try { ngWebsockets.connect(url, protocol, { 'binaryType': "arraybuffer", 'onopen': onopen, 'onclose': onclose, 'onmessage': onmessage, 'onerror': onerror }); } catch(e) { $log.debug("Websocket caught DOMException:", e); $rootScope.lastError =; $rootScope.errorMessage = true; $rootScope.securityError = true; $rootScope.$emit('relayDisconnect'); } }; var disconnect = function() { ngWebsockets.send(weeChat.Protocol.formatQuit()); }; /* * Format and send a weechat message * * @returns the angular promise */ var sendMessage = function(message) { ngWebsockets.send(weeChat.Protocol.formatInput({ buffer: models.getActiveBuffer().fullName, data: message })); }; var sendCoreCommand = function(command) { ngWebsockets.send(weeChat.Protocol.formatInput({ buffer: 'core.weechat', data: command })); }; var requestNicklist = function(bufferId, callback) { bufferId = bufferId || null; ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatNicklist({ buffer: bufferId }) ).then(function(nicklist) { handlers.handleNicklist(nicklist); if (callback !== undefined) { callback(); } }); }; var fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) { $log.debug('Fetching ', numLines, ' lines'); var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer(); if (numLines === undefined) { // Math.max(undefined, *) = NaN -> need a number here numLines = 0; } // Calculate number of lines to fetch, at least as many as the parameter numLines = Math.max(numLines, buffer.requestedLines * 2); // Indicator that we are loading lines, hides "load more lines" link $rootScope.loadingLines = true; // Send hdata request to fetch lines for this particular buffer ngWebsockets.send( weeChat.Protocol.formatHdata({ // "0x" is important, otherwise it won't work path: "buffer:0x" + + "/own_lines/last_line(-" + numLines + ")/data", keys: [] }) ).then(function(lineinfo) { // delete old lines and add new ones var oldLength = buffer.lines.length; // Whether to set the readmarker to the middle position // Don't do that if we didn't get any more lines than we already had var setReadmarker = (buffer.lastSeen >= 0) && (oldLength !== buffer.lines.length); buffer.lines.length = 0; buffer.requestedLines = 0; // Count number of lines recieved var linesReceivedCount = lineinfo.objects[0].content.length; // Parse the lines handlers.handleLineInfo(lineinfo, true); if (setReadmarker) { // Read marker was somewhere in the old lines - we don't need it any more, // set it to the boundary between old and new. This way, we stay at the exact // same position in the text through the scrollWithBuffer below buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - oldLength - 1; } else { // We are currently fetching at least some unread lines, so we need to keep // the read marker position correct buffer.lastSeen -= oldLength; } // We requested more lines than we got, no more lines. if (linesReceivedCount < numLines) { buffer.allLinesFetched = true; } $rootScope.loadingLines = false; // Scroll read marker to the center of the screen $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(true); }); }; return { connect: connect, disconnect: disconnect, sendMessage: sendMessage, sendCoreCommand: sendCoreCommand, fetchMoreLines: fetchMoreLines, requestNicklist: requestNicklist }; }]); weechat.controller('WeechatCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$store', '$timeout', '$log', 'models', 'connection', function ($rootScope, $scope, $store, $timeout, $log, models, connection) { // From: by StackOverflow user "plantian" $rootScope.countWatchers = function () { var q = [$rootScope], watchers = 0, scope; while (q.length > 0) { scope = q.pop(); if (scope.$$watchers) { watchers += scope.$$watchers.length; } if (scope.$$childHead) { q.push(scope.$$childHead); } if (scope.$$nextSibling) { q.push(scope.$$nextSibling); } } $log.debug(watchers); }; $rootScope.isMobileUi = function() { // TODO don't base detection solely on screen width // You are right. In the meantime I am renaming isMobileDevice to isMobileUi var mobile_cutoff = 968; return (document.body.clientWidth < mobile_cutoff); }; // Ask for permission to display desktop notifications $scope.requestNotificationPermission = function() { // Firefox if (window.Notification) { Notification.requestPermission(function(status) { $'Notification permission status: ', status); if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } }); } // Webkit if (window.webkitNotifications !== undefined) { var havePermission = window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission(); if (havePermission !== 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED $'Notification permission status: ', havePermission === 0); window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); } } }; $scope.isinstalled = (function() { // Check for firefox & app installed if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) { navigator.mozApps.getSelf().onsuccess = function _onAppReady(evt) { var app =; if (app) { return true; } else { return false; } }; } else { return false; } }()); // Detect page visibility attributes (function() { // Sadly, the page visibility API still has a lot of vendor prefixes if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Chrome >= 33, Firefox >= 18, Opera >= 12.10, Safari >= 7 $scope.documentHidden = "hidden"; $scope.documentVisibilityChange = "visibilitychange"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { // 13 <= Chrome < 33 $scope.documentHidden = "webkitHidden"; $scope.documentVisibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange"; } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { // 10 <= Firefox < 18 $scope.documentHidden = "mozHidden"; $scope.documentVisibilityChange = "mozvisibilitychange"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { // IE >= 10 $scope.documentHidden = "msHidden"; $scope.documentVisibilityChange = "msvisibilitychange"; } })(); $rootScope.isWindowFocused = function() { if (typeof $scope.documentHidden === "undefined") { // Page Visibility API not supported, assume yes return true; } else { var isHidden = document[$scope.documentHidden]; return !isHidden; } }; if (typeof $scope.documentVisibilityChange !== "undefined") { document.addEventListener($scope.documentVisibilityChange, function() { if (!document[$scope.documentHidden]) { // We just switched back to the glowing-bear window and unread messages may have // accumulated in the active buffer while the window was in the background var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer(); // This can also be triggered before connecting to the relay, check for null (not undefined!) if (buffer !== null) { buffer.unread = 0; buffer.notification = 0; // Trigger title and favico update $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); } // the unread badge in the bufferlist doesn't update if we don't do this $rootScope.$apply(); } }, false); } // Reduce buffers with "+" operation over a key. Mostly useful for unread/notification counts. $rootScope.unreadCount = function(type) { if (!type) { type = "unread"; } // Do this the old-fashioned way with iterating over the keys, as underscore proved to be error-prone var keys = Object.keys(models.model.buffers); var count = 0; for (var key in keys) { count += models.model.buffers[keys[key]][type]; } return count; }; $rootScope.updateTitle = function() { var notifications = $rootScope.unreadCount('notification'); if (notifications > 0) { // New notifications deserve an exclamation mark $rootScope.notificationStatus = '(' + notifications + ') '; } else { $rootScope.notificationStatus = ''; } var activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer(); if (activeBuffer) { $rootScope.pageTitle = activeBuffer.shortName + ' | ' + activeBuffer.title; } }; $scope.updateFavico = function() { var notifications = $rootScope.unreadCount('notification'); if (notifications > 0) { $scope.favico.badge(notifications, { bgColor: '#d00', textColor: '#fff' }); } else { var unread = $rootScope.unreadCount('unread'); if (unread === 0) { $scope.favico.reset(); } else { $scope.favico.badge(unread, { bgColor: '#5CB85C', textColor: '#ff0' }); } } }; $rootScope.$on('activeBufferChanged', function(event, unreadSum) { var ab = models.getActiveBuffer(); $scope.bufferlines = ab.lines; $scope.nicklist = ab.nicklist; // Send a request for the nicklist if it hasn't been loaded yet if (!ab.nicklistRequested()) { connection.requestNicklist(ab.fullName, function() { $scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist(); // Scroll after nicklist has been loaded, as it may break long lines $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(true); }); } else { // Check if we should show nicklist or not $scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist(); } if (ab.requestedLines < $scope.lines) { // buffer has not been loaded, but some lines may already be present if they arrived after we connected // try to determine how many lines to fetch var numLines = $scope.lines; // that's a screenful plus 10 lines unreadSum += 10; // let's just add a 10 line safety margin here again if (unreadSum > numLines) { // request up to 4*(screenful + 10 lines) numLines = Math.min(4*numLines, unreadSum); } $scope.fetchMoreLines(numLines); } $rootScope.updateTitle(ab); $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(true); // If user wants to sync hotlist with weechat // we will send a /buffer bufferName command every time // the user switches a buffer. This will ensure that notifications // are cleared in the buffer the user switches to if ($scope.hotlistsync && ab.fullName) { connection.sendCoreCommand('/buffer ' + ab.fullName); } // Clear search term on buffer change $ = ''; if (!$rootScope.isMobileUi()) { // This needs to happen asynchronously to prevent the enter key handler // of the input bar to be triggered on buffer switch via the search. // Otherwise its current contents would be sent to the new buffer setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('sendMessage').focus(); }, 0); } }); $scope.favico = new Favico({animation: 'none'}); $rootScope.$on('notificationChanged', function() { $rootScope.updateTitle(); if ($scope.useFavico && $scope.favico) { $scope.updateFavico(); } }); $rootScope.$on('relayDisconnect', function() { // this reinitialze just breaks the bufferlist upon reconnection. // Disabled it until it's fully investigated and fixed //models.reinitialize(); $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); $scope.connectbutton = 'Connect'; }); $scope.connectbutton = 'Connect'; $scope.showSidebar = true; $scope.buffers = models.model.buffers; $scope.bufferlines = {}; $scope.nicklist = {}; $scope.activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer; $rootScope.waseverconnected = false; $rootScope.models = models; $rootScope.iterCandidate = null; $store.bind($scope, "host", "localhost"); $store.bind($scope, "port", "9001"); $store.bind($scope, "proto", "weechat"); $store.bind($scope, "ssl", false); $store.bind($scope, "savepassword", false); if ($scope.savepassword) { $store.bind($scope, "password", ""); } // If we are on mobile change some defaults // We use 968 px as the cutoff, which should match the value in glowingbear.css var nonicklist = false; var noembed = false; var notimestamp = false; $rootScope.wasMobileUi = false; if ($rootScope.isMobileUi()) { nonicklist = true; noembed = true; notimestamp = true; $rootScope.wasMobileUi = true; } // Save setting for displaying only buffers with unread messages $store.bind($scope, "onlyUnread", false); // Save setting for syncing hotlist $store.bind($scope, "hotlistsync", true); // Save setting for displaying nicklist $store.bind($scope, "nonicklist", nonicklist); // Save setting for displaying embeds $store.bind($scope, "noembed", noembed); // Save setting for channel ordering $store.bind($scope, "orderbyserver", false); // Save setting for updating favicon $store.bind($scope, "useFavico", true); // Save setting for notimestamp $store.bind($scope, "notimestamp", notimestamp); // Save setting for playing sound on notification $store.bind($scope, "soundnotification", false); // Save setting for displaying embeds in rootScope so it can be used from service $rootScope.visible = $scope.noembed === false; // Open and close panels while on mobile devices through swiping $scope.swipeSidebar = function() { if ($rootScope.isMobileUi()) { $scope.showSidebar = !$scope.showSidebar; } }; $scope.openNick = function() { if ($rootScope.isMobileUi()) { if ($scope.nonicklist) { $scope.nonicklist = false; } } }; $scope.closeNick = function() { if ($rootScope.isMobileUi()) { if (!$scope.nonicklist) { $scope.nonicklist = true; } } }; // Watch model and update show setting when it changes $scope.$watch('noembed', function() { $rootScope.visible = $scope.noembed === false; }); // Watch model and update channel sorting when it changes $scope.$watch('orderbyserver', function() { $rootScope.predicate = $scope.orderbyserver ? 'serverSortKey' : 'number'; }); $scope.$watch('useFavico', function() { // this check is necessary as this is called on page load, too if (!$rootScope.connected) { return; } if ($scope.useFavico) { $scope.updateFavico(); } else { $scope.favico.reset(); } }); $scope.setActiveBuffer = function(bufferId, key) { // If we are on mobile we need to collapse the menu on sidebar clicks // We use 968 px as the cutoff, which should match the value in glowingbear.css if ($rootScope.isMobileUi()) { $scope.showSidebar = false; } return models.setActiveBuffer(bufferId, key); }; $scope.openBuffer = function(bufferName) { var fullName = models.getActiveBuffer().fullName; fullName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + bufferName; // substitute the last part if (!$scope.setActiveBuffer(fullName, 'fullName')) { var command = 'join'; if (['#', '&', '+', '!'].indexOf(bufferName.charAt(0)) < 0) { // these are the characters a channel name can start with (RFC 2813-2813) command = 'query'; } connection.sendMessage('/' + command + ' ' + bufferName); } }; $scope.highlightNick = function(prefix) { // Extract nick from bufferline prefix var nick = prefix[prefix.length - 1].text; var input = document.getElementById('sendMessage'); var newValue = input.value; var addColon = newValue.length === 0; if (newValue.length > 0) { // Try to determine if it's a sequence of nicks var trimmedValue = newValue.trim(); if (trimmedValue.charAt(trimmedValue.length - 1) === ':') { // get last word var lastSpace = trimmedValue.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1; var lastWord = trimmedValue.slice(lastSpace, trimmedValue.length - 1); var nicklist = models.getActiveBuffer().getNicklistByTime(); // check against nicklist to see if it's a list of highlights if (nicklist.indexOf(lastWord) !== -1) { // It's another highlight! newValue = newValue.slice(0, newValue.lastIndexOf(':')) + ' '; addColon = true; } } // Add a space before the nick if there isn't one already // Last char might have changed above, so re-check if (newValue.charAt(newValue.length - 1) !== ' ') { newValue += ' '; } } // Add highlight to nicklist newValue += nick; if (addColon) { newValue += ': '; } input.value = newValue; input.focus(); }; // Calculate number of lines to fetch $scope.calculateNumLines = function() { var bufferlineElements = document.querySelectorAll(".bufferline"); var lineHeight = 0, idx = 0; while (lineHeight === 0 && idx < bufferlineElements.length) { lineHeight = bufferlineElements[idx++].clientHeight; } var areaHeight = document.querySelector("#bufferlines").clientHeight; // Fetch 10 lines more than theoretically needed so that scrolling up will correctly trigger the loading of more lines // Also, some lines might be hidden, so it's probably better to have a bit of buffer there var numLines = Math.ceil(areaHeight/lineHeight + 10); $scope.lines = numLines; }; $scope.calculateNumLines(); // Recalculate number of lines on resize window.addEventListener("resize", _.debounce(function() { // Recalculation fails when not connected if ($rootScope.connected) { // Show the sidebar if switching away from mobile view, hide it when switching to mobile // Wrap in a condition so we save ourselves the $apply if nothing changes (50ms or more) if ($scope.wasMobileUi !== $scope.isMobileUi() && $scope.showSidebar === $scope.isMobileUi()) { $scope.showSidebar = !$scope.showSidebar; $scope.$apply(); } $scope.wasMobileUi = $scope.isMobileUi(); $scope.calculateNumLines(); } }, 100)); $rootScope.loadingLines = false; $scope.fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) { if (!numLines) { numLines = $scope.lines; } connection.fetchMoreLines(numLines); }; $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer = function(nonIncremental) { // First, get scrolling status *before* modification // This is required to determine where we were in the buffer pre-change var bl = document.getElementById('bufferlines'); var sVal = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight; var scroll = function() { var sTop = bl.scrollTop; // Determine if we want to scroll at all // Give the check 3 pixels of slack so you don't have to hit // the exact spot. This fixes a bug in some browsers if ((nonIncremental && sTop < sVal) || (Math.abs(sTop - sVal) < 3)) { var readmarker = document.querySelector(".readmarker"); if (nonIncremental && readmarker) { // Switching channels, scroll to read marker bl.scrollTop = readmarker.offsetTop - readmarker.parentElement.scrollHeight + readmarker.scrollHeight; } else { // New message, scroll with buffer (i.e. to bottom) bl.scrollTop = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight; } } }; // Here be scrolling dragons $timeout(scroll); $timeout(scroll, 100); $timeout(scroll, 300); $timeout(scroll, 500); }; $scope.connect = function() { $scope.requestNotificationPermission(); $rootScope.sslError = false; $rootScope.securityError = false; $rootScope.errorMessage = false; $scope.connectbutton = 'Connecting ...'; connection.connect($, $scope.port, $scope.password, $scope.ssl); }; $scope.disconnect = function() { $scope.connectbutton = 'Connect'; connection.disconnect(); }; $scope.install = function() { if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) { // Find absolute url with trailing '/' or '/index.html' removed var base_url = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname.replace(/\/(index\.html)?$/, ''); var request = navigator.mozApps.install(base_url + '/manifest.webapp'); request.onsuccess = function () { $scope.isinstalled = true; // Save the App object that is returned var appRecord = this.result; // Start the app. appRecord.launch(); alert('Installation successful!'); }; request.onerror = function () { // Display the error information from the DOMError object alert('Install failed, error: ' +; }; } else { alert('Sorry. Only supported in Firefox v26+'); } }; /* Function gets called from bufferLineAdded code if user should be notified */ $rootScope.createHighlight = function(buffer, message) { var title = ''; var body = ''; var numNotifications = buffer.notification; if (['#', '&', '+', '!'].indexOf(buffer.shortName.charAt(0)) < 0) { if (numNotifications > 1) { title = numNotifications.toString() + ' private messages from '; } else { title = 'Private message from '; } body = message.text; } else { if (numNotifications > 1) { title = numNotifications.toString() + ' highlights in '; } else { title = 'Highlight in '; } var prefix = ''; for (var i = 0; i < message.prefix.length; i++) { prefix += message.prefix[i].text; } body = '<' + prefix + '> ' + message.text; } title += buffer.shortName; title += buffer.fullName.replace(/irc.([^\.]+)\..+/, " ($1)"); var notification = new Notification(title, { body: body, icon: 'assets/img/favicon.png' }); // Cancel notification automatically var timeout = 15*1000; notification.onshow = function() { setTimeout(function() { notification.close(); }, timeout); }; // Click takes the user to the buffer notification.onclick = function() { models.setActiveBuffer(; window.focus(); notification.close(); }; if ($scope.soundnotification) { // TODO fill in a sound file var audioFile = "assets/audio/sonar"; var soundHTML = ''; document.getElementById("soundNotification").innerHTML = soundHTML; } }; $scope.hasUnread = function(buffer) { // if search is set, return every buffer if ($ && $ !== "") { return true; } if ($scope.onlyUnread) { // Always show current buffer in list if (models.getActiveBuffer() === buffer) { return true; } return buffer.unread > 0 || buffer.notification > 0; } return true; }; // Watch model and update show setting when it changes $scope.$watch('nonicklist', function() { $scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist(); }); $scope.showNicklist = false; // Utility function that template can use to check if nicklist should // be displayed for current buffer or not // is called on buffer switch $scope.updateShowNicklist = function() { var ab = models.getActiveBuffer(); if (!ab) { return false; } // Check if option no nicklist is set if ($scope.nonicklist) { return false; } // Check if nicklist is empty if (ab.isNicklistEmpty()) { return false; } return true; }; $rootScope.switchToActivityBuffer = function() { // Find next buffer with activity and switch to it var sortedBuffers = _.sortBy($scope.buffers, 'number'); var i, buffer; // Try to find buffer with notification for (i in sortedBuffers) { buffer = sortedBuffers[i]; if (buffer.notification > 0) { $scope.setActiveBuffer(; return; // return instead of break so that the second for loop isn't executed } } // No notifications, find first buffer with unread lines instead for (i in sortedBuffers) { buffer = sortedBuffers[i]; if (buffer.unread > 0) { $scope.setActiveBuffer(; return; } } }; // Helper function since the keypress handler is in a different scope $rootScope.toggleNicklist = function() { $scope.nonicklist = !$scope.nonicklist; }; $scope.handleSearchBoxKey = function($event) { // Support different browser quirks var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode; // Handle escape if (code === 27) { $event.preventDefault(); $ = ''; } // Handle enter else if (code === 13) { $event.preventDefault(); if ($scope.filteredBuffers.length > 0) { models.setActiveBuffer($scope.filteredBuffers[0].id); } $ = ''; } }; // Prevent user from accidentally leaving the page window.onbeforeunload = function(event) { if ($rootScope.connected) { event.preventDefault(); // Chrome requires us to set this or it will not show the dialog event.returnValue = "You have an active connection to your WeeChat relay. Please disconnect using the button in the top-right corner or by double-tapping the Escape key."; } $scope.favico.reset(); }; }] ); weechat.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/', { templateUrl: 'index.html', controller: 'WeechatCtrl' }); } ]); weechat.directive('plugin', function() { /* * Plugin directive * Shows additional plugin content */ return { templateUrl: 'directives/plugin.html', scope: { plugin: '=data' }, controller: function($scope) { $scope.displayedContent = ""; $scope.hideContent = function() { $scope.plugin.visible = false; }; $scope.showContent = function() { /* * Shows the plugin content. * displayedContent is bound to the DOM. * Actual plugin content is only fetched when * content is shown. */ $scope.displayedContent = $scope.plugin.content; $scope.plugin.visible = true; // Scroll embed content into view var scroll = function() { var embed = document.querySelector(".embed_" + $scope.plugin.$$hashKey); if (embed) { embed.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); } }; setTimeout(scroll, 100); }; } }; }); weechat.directive('inputBar', function() { return { templateUrl: 'directives/input.html', scope: { inputId: '@inputId' }, controller: function($rootScope, $scope, $element, $log, connection, models) { /* * Returns the input element */ $scope.getInputNode = function() { return document.querySelector('textarea#' + $scope.inputId); }; $scope.completeNick = function() { // input DOM node var inputNode = $scope.getInputNode(); // get current input var inputText = inputNode.value; // get current caret position var caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart; // get current active buffer var activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer(); // complete nick var nickComp = IrcUtils.completeNick(inputText, caretPos, $scope.iterCandidate, activeBuffer.getNicklistByTime(), ':'); // remember iteration candidate $scope.iterCandidate = nickComp.iterCandidate; // update current input inputNode.value = nickComp.text; // update current caret position inputNode.focus(); inputNode.setSelectionRange(nickComp.caretPos, nickComp.caretPos); }; // Send the message to the websocket $scope.sendMessage = function() { var input = $scope.getInputNode(); var ab = models.getActiveBuffer(); // It's undefined early in the lifecycle of the program. // Don't send empty commands if($scope.command !== undefined && $scope.command !== '') { // log to buffer history ab.addToHistory($scope.command); // Split the command into multiple commands based on line breaks _.each($scope.command.split(/\r?\n/), function(line) { connection.sendMessage(line); }); // Check for /clear command if ($scope.command === '/buffer clear' || $scope.command === '/c') { $log.debug('Clearing lines'); ab.clear(); } // Empty the input after it's sent $scope.command = ''; } }; // Handle key presses in the input bar $rootScope.handleKeyPress = function($event) { // don't do anything if not connected if (!$rootScope.connected) { return true; } var inputNode = $scope.getInputNode(); // Support different browser quirks var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode; // any other key than Tab resets nick completion iteration var tmpIterCandidate = $scope.iterCandidate; $scope.iterCandidate = null; // Left Alt+[0-9] -> jump to buffer if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && (code > 47 && code < 58)) { if (code === 48) { code = 58; } var bufferNumber = code - 48 - 1 ; var activeBufferId = Object.keys(models.getBuffers())[bufferNumber]; if (activeBufferId) { models.setActiveBuffer(activeBufferId); $event.preventDefault(); } } // Tab -> nick completion if (code === 9 && !$event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey) { $event.preventDefault(); $scope.iterCandidate = tmpIterCandidate; $scope.completeNick(); return true; } // Left Alt+n -> toggle nicklist if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && code === 78) { $event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.toggleNicklist(); return true; } // Alt+A -> switch to buffer with activity if ($event.altKey && (code === 97 || code === 65)) { $event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.switchToActivityBuffer(); return true; } // Alt+L -> focus on input bar if ($event.altKey && (code === 76 || code === 108)) { $event.preventDefault(); inputNode.focus(); inputNode.setSelectionRange(inputNode.value.length, inputNode.value.length); return true; } // Alt+< -> switch to previous buffer if ($event.altKey && (code === 60 || code === 226)) { var previousBuffer = models.getPreviousBuffer(); if (previousBuffer) { models.setActiveBuffer(; $event.preventDefault(); return true; } } // Double-tap Escape -> disconnect if (code === 27) { $event.preventDefault(); if (typeof $scope.lastEscape !== "undefined" && ( - $scope.lastEscape) <= 500) { // Double-tap connection.disconnect(); } $scope.lastEscape =; return true; } // Alt+G -> focus on buffer filter input if ($event.altKey && (code === 103 || code === 71)) { $event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('bufferFilter').focus(); return true; } // Arrow up -> go up in history if (code === 38) { inputNode.value = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryUp(inputNode.value); // Set cursor to last position. Need 0ms timeout because browser sets cursor // position to the beginning after this key handler returns. setTimeout(function() { inputNode.setSelectionRange(inputNode.value.length, inputNode.value.length); }, 0); return true; } // Arrow down -> go down in history if (code === 40) { inputNode.value = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryDown(inputNode.value); // We don't need to set the cursor to the rightmost position here, the browser does that for us return true; } // Enter to submit, shift-enter for newline // if (code == 13 && !$event.shiftKey && document.activeElement === inputNode) { $event.preventDefault(); $scope.sendMessage(); return true; } }; } }; });