var weechat = angular.module('weechat', ['localStorage']); weechat.filter('toArray', function () { 'use strict'; return function (obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Object)) { return obj; } return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return Object.defineProperty(obj[key], '$key', {__proto__: null, value: key}); }); } }); weechat.factory('colors', [function($scope) { // var part, fg, bg, attrs, colors = ['', 'black', 'dark gray', 'dark red', 'light red', 'dark green', 'light green', 'brown', 'yellow', 'dark blue', 'light blue', 'dark magenta', 'light magenta', 'dark cyan', 'light cyan', 'gray', 'white']; // XTerm 8-bit pallete var colors = [ '#000000', '#AA0000', '#00AA00', '#AA5500', '#0000AA', '#AA00AA', '#00AAAA', '#AAAAAA', '#555555', '#FF5555', '#55FF55', '#FFFF55', '#5555FF', '#FF55FF', '#55FFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#000000', '#00005F', '#000087', '#0000AF', '#0000D7', '#0000FF', '#005F00', '#005F5F', '#005F87', '#005FAF', '#005FD7', '#005FFF', '#008700', '#00875F', '#008787', '#0087AF', '#0087D7', '#00AF00', '#00AF5F', '#00AF87', '#00AFAF', '#00AFD7', '#00AFFF', '#00D700', '#00D75F', '#00D787', '#00D7AF', '#00D7D7', '#00D7FF', '#00FF00', '#00FF5F', '#00FF87', '#00FFAF', '#00FFD7', '#00FFFF', '#5F0000', '#5F005F', '#5F0087', '#5F00AF', '#5F00D7', '#5F00FF', '#5F5F00', '#5F5F5F', '#5F5F87', '#5F5FAF', '#5F5FD7', '#5F5FFF', '#5F8700', '#5F875F', '#5F8787', '#5F87AF', '#5F87D7', '#5F87FF', '#5FAF00', '#5FAF5F', '#5FAF87', '#5FAFAF', '#5FAFD7', '#5FAFFF', '#5FD700', '#5FD75F', '#5FD787', '#5FD7AF', '#5FD7D7', '#5FD7FF', '#5FFF00', '#5FFF5F', '#5FFF87', '#5FFFAF', '#5FFFD7', '#5FFFFF', '#870000', '#87005F', '#870087', '#8700AF', '#8700D7', '#8700FF', '#875F00', '#875F5F', '#875F87', '#875FAF', '#875FD7', '#875FFF', '#878700', '#87875F', '#878787', '#8787AF', '#8787D7', '#8787FF', '#87AF00', '#87AF5F', '#87AF87', '#87AFAF', '#87AFD7', '#87AFFF', '#87D700', '#87D75F', '#87D787', '#87D7AF', '#87D7D7', '#87D7FF', '#87FF00', '#87FF5F', '#87FF87', '#87FFAF', '#87FFD7', '#87FFFF', '#AF0000', '#AF005F', '#AF0087', '#AF00AF', '#AF00D7', '#AF00FF', '#AF5F00', '#AF5F5F', '#AF5F87', '#AF5FAF', '#AF5FD7', '#AF5FFF', '#AF8700', '#AF875F', '#AF8787', '#AF87AF', '#AF87D7', '#AF87FF', '#AFAF00', '#AFAF5F', '#AFAF87', '#AFAFAF', '#AFAFD7', '#AFAFFF', '#AFD700', '#AFD75F', '#AFD787', '#AFD7AF', '#AFD7D7', '#AFD7FF', '#AFFF00', '#AFFF5F', '#AFFF87', '#AFFFAF', '#AFFFD7', '#AFFFFF', '#D70000', '#D7005F', '#D70087', '#D700AF', '#D700D7', '#D700FF', '#D75F00', '#D75F5F', '#D75F87', '#D75FAF', '#D75FD7', '#D75FFF', '#D78700', '#D7875F', '#D78787', '#D787AF', '#D787D7', '#D787FF', '#D7AF00', '#D7AF5F', '#D7AF87', '#D7AFAF', '#D7AFD7', '#D7AFFF', '#D7D700', '#D7D75F', '#D7D787', '#D7D7AF', '#D7D7D7', '#D7D7FF', '#D7FF00', '#D7FF5F', '#D7FF87', '#D7FFAF', '#D7FFD7', '#D7FFFF', '#FF0000', '#FF005F', '#FF0087', '#FF00AF', '#FF00D7', '#FF00FF', '#FF5F00', '#FF5F5F', '#FF5F87', '#FF5FAF', '#FF5FD7', '#FF5FFF', '#FF8700', '#FF875F', '#FF8787', '#FF87AF', '#FF87D7', '#FF87FF', '#FFAF00', '#FFAF5F', '#FFAF87', '#FFAFAF', '#FFAFD7', '#FFAFFF', '#FFD700', '#FFD75F', '#FFD787', '#FFD7AF', '#FFD7D7', '#FFD7FF', '#FFFF00', '#FFFF5F', '#FFFF87', '#FFFFAF', '#FFFFD7', '#FFFFFF', '#080808', '#121212', '#1C1C1C', '#262626', '#303030', '#3A3A3A', '#444444', '#4E4E4E', '#585858', '#626262', '#6C6C6C', '#767676', '#808080', '#8A8A8A', '#949494', '#9E9E9E', '#A8A8A8', '#B2B2B2', '#BCBCBC', '#C6C6C6', '#D0D0D0', '#DADADA', '#E4E4E4', '#EEEEEE' ] function setAttrs() { while (part.match(/^[\*\/\_\|]/)) { attrs.push(part.charAt(0)); part = part.slice(1); } } function getColor() { var c; if (part.match(/^@/)) { c = part.slice(1, 6); part = part.slice(6); } else { c = part.slice(0, 2); part = part.slice(2); } return c; } function prepareCss(color) { /* * Translates a weechat color to CSS */ return 'color: ' + color; } var prefixes = { '\x19': function() { if (part.match(/^F/)) { part = part.slice(1); setAttrs(); fg = getColor(); } else if (part.match(/^B/)) { part = part.slice(1); setAttrs(); bg = getColor(); } else { setAttrs(); fg = getColor(); if (part.match(/^,/)) { part = part.slice(1); bg = getColor(); } } }, '\x1A': function() { // Don't know what to do }, '\x1B': function() { attrs = []; }, '\x1C': function() { fg = ''; bg = ''; } }; function parse(text) { if (!text) { return text; } var f, parts = text.split(/(\x19|\x1A|\x1B|\x1C)/); if (parts.length === 1) return [{ text: parts[0] }]; attrs = []; return { var res, tmp = prefixes[p.charAt(0)]; if (f) { part = p; f(); res = { text: part, fg: colors[parseInt(fg, 10)], bg: colors[parseInt(bg, 10)], attrs: attrs }; if (!res.fg) res.fg = fg; if (! = bg; } f = tmp; return res; }).filter(function(p) { return p; }); }; return { setAttrs: setAttrs, getColor: getColor, prepareCss: prepareCss, parse: parse, parts: ['', 'black', 'dark gray', 'dark red', 'light red', 'dark green', 'light green', 'brown', 'yellow', 'dark blue', 'light blue', 'dark magenta', 'light magenta', 'dark cyan', 'light cyan', 'gray', 'white'] } }]); weechat.factory('pluginManager', ['youtubePlugin', 'urlPlugin', 'imagePlugin', function(youtubePlugin, urlPlugin, imagePlugin) { var plugins = [youtubePlugin, urlPlugin, imagePlugin] var hookPlugin = function(plugin) { plugins.push(plugin); } var contentForMessage = function(message) { console.log('Message: ', message); var content = []; for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { var pluginContent = plugins[i].contentForMessage(message); if (pluginContent) { var pluginContent = {'visible': false, 'content': pluginContent } content.push(pluginContent); if (plugins[i].exclusive) { break; } } } console.log('Content: ', content); return content; } return { hookPlugin: hookPlugin, contentForMessage: contentForMessage } }]); weechat.factory('youtubePlugin', [function() { var contentForMessage = function(message) { if (message.indexOf('') != -1) { var index = message.indexOf("?v="); var token = message.substr(index+3); return '' } return null; } return { contentForMessage: contentForMessage, exclusive: true } }]); weechat.factory('urlPlugin', [function() { var contentForMessage = function(message) { var urlPattern = /(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])?/; var url = message.match(urlPattern); if (url) { return '' + message + ''; } return null; } return { contentForMessage: contentForMessage, exclusive: false } }]); weechat.factory('imagePlugin', [function() { var contentForMessage = function(message) { var urls = message.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]*\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/) if (urls != null) { var url = urls[0]; /* Actually parse one url per message */ return ''; } return null; } return { contentForMessage: contentForMessage } }]); weechat.factory('handlers', ['$rootScope', 'colors', 'pluginManager', function($rootScope, colors, pluginManager) { var handleBufferClosing = function(message) { var buffer_pointer = message['objects'][0]['content'][0]['pointers'][0]; $rootScope.closeBuffer(buffer_pointer); } var handleLine = function(line, initial) { var buffer_line = {} var date = line['date']; var prefix = colors.parse(line['prefix']); var text = colors.parse(line['message']); var buffer = line['buffer']; var tags_array = line['tags_array']; var displayed = line['displayed']; var highlight = line['highlight']; var message = _.union(prefix, text); message, function(message) { if (message != "" && 'fg' in message) { message['fg'] = colors.prepareCss(message['fg']); } return message; }); // Only react to line if its displayed if (displayed) { buffer_line['message'] = message; if (!_isActiveBuffer(buffer) && !initial) { if ($rootScope.buffers[buffer]['unread'] == '') { $rootScope.buffers[buffer]['unread'] = 1; }else { $rootScope.buffers[buffer]['unread'] = parseInt($rootScope.buffers[buffer]['unread']) + 1; } } if (text[0] != undefined) { var additionalContent = pluginManager.contentForMessage(text[0]['text']); if (additionalContent) { buffer_line['metadata'] = additionalContent; } } $rootScope.buffers[buffer]['lines'].push(buffer_line); buffer_line['date'] = date; if(!initial && (highlight || _.contains(tags_array, 'notify_private')) ) { $rootScope.createHighlight(prefix, text, message, buffer, additionalContent); } } } var handleBufferLineAdded = function(message) { message['objects'][0]['content'].forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, false); }); } /* * Returns whether or not this buffer is the active buffer */ var _isActiveBuffer = function(buffer) { if ($rootScope.activeBuffer['id'] == buffer) { return true; } else { return false; } } var handleBufferOpened = function(message) { var obj = message['objects'][0]['content'][0]; var fullName = obj['full_name']; var buffer = obj['pointers'][0]; var short_name = obj['short_name']; var title = obj['title']; $rootScope.buffers[buffer] = { 'id': buffer, 'lines':[], 'full_name':fullName, 'short_name':short_name, 'title':title } } var handleBufferTitleChanged = function(message) { var obj = message['objects'][0]['content'][0]; var buffer = obj['pointers'][0]; var old = $rootScope.buffers[buffer]; old['full_name'] = obj['full_name']; old['short_name'] = obj['short_name']; old['title'] = obj['title']; } /* * Handle answers to (bufinfo) messages * * (bufinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is the first * message that is sent to the relay after connection. */ var handleBufferInfo = function(message) { // buffer info from message var bufferInfos = message['objects'][0]['content']; // buffers objects var buffers = {}; for (var i = 0; i < bufferInfos.length ; i++) { var bufferInfo = bufferInfos[i]; var pointer = bufferInfo['pointers'][0]; bufferInfo['id'] = pointer; bufferInfo['lines'] = []; bufferInfo['unread'] = ''; buffers[pointer] = bufferInfo if (i == 0) { // first buffer is active buffer by default $rootScope.activeBuffer = buffers[pointer]; $rootScope.activeBuffer['active'] = true; } } $rootScope.buffers = buffers; // Request latest buffer lines for each buffer $rootScope.getLines(); } /* * Handle answers to (lineinfo) messages * * (lineinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is request after bufinfo completes */ var handleLineInfo = function(message) { var lines = message['objects'][0]['content'].reverse(); lines.forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, true); }); } var handleEvent = function(event) { if (_.has(eventHandlers, event['id'])) { eventHandlers[event['id']](event); } } var findMetaData = function(message) { if (message.indexOf('') != -1) { var index = message.indexOf("?v="); var token = message.substr(index+3); return '' } return null; } var eventHandlers = { bufinfo: handleBufferInfo, lineinfo: handleLineInfo, _buffer_closing: handleBufferClosing, _buffer_line_added: handleBufferLineAdded, _buffer_opened: handleBufferOpened, _buffer_title_changed: handleBufferTitleChanged } return { handleEvent: handleEvent } }]); weechat.factory('connection', ['$rootScope', '$log', 'handlers', 'colors', function($rootScope, $log, handlers, colors) { protocol = new Protocol(); var websocket = null; // Sanitizes messages to be sent to the weechat relay var doSend = function(message) { msgs = message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, "").split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) { $log.log('=' + msgs[i] + '='); $rootScope.commands.push("SENT: " + msgs[i]); } websocket.send(message); } // Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks var connect = function (hostport, proto, password) { websocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + hostport + "/weechat"); websocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer" websocket.onopen = function (evt) { var send = ""; // FIXME: does password need to be sent only if protocol is not weechat? if (proto == "weechat") { if (password) { send += "init compression=off,password=" + password + "\n"; } send += "(bufinfo) hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*) number,full_name,short_name,title\n"; send += "sync\n"; } else { } $"Connected to relay"); doSend(send); $rootScope.connected = true; $rootScope.$apply(); } websocket.onclose = function (evt) { $"Disconnected from relay"); $rootScope.connected = false; $rootScope.$apply(); } websocket.onmessage = function (evt) { message = protocol.parse( handlers.handleEvent(message); $rootScope.commands.push("RECV: " + + " TYPE:" + evt.type) ; $rootScope.$apply(); } websocket.onerror = function (evt) { if (evt.type == "error" && websocket.readyState == 0) { $rootScope.errorMessage = true; } $log.error("Relay error " +; } this.websocket = websocket; } var sendMessage = function(message) { message = "input " + $rootScope.activeBuffer['full_name'] + " " + message + "\n" doSend(message); } var getLines = function(count) { var message = "(lineinfo) hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*)/own_lines/last_line(-"+count+")/data\n"; doSend(message) } return { send: doSend, getLines: getLines, connect: connect, sendMessage: sendMessage } }]); weechat.controller('WeechatCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$store', 'connection', function ($rootScope, $scope, $store, connection) { // Request notification permission Notification.requestPermission(function (status) { console.log('Notification permission status:',status); if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } }); if(window.webkitNotifications != undefined) { if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED console.log('Notification permission status:', window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0); window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); } } $rootScope.commands = [] $rootScope.buffer = [] $rootScope.buffers = {} $rootScope.activeBuffer = null; $store.bind($scope, "hostport", "localhost:9001"); $store.bind($scope, "proto", "weechat"); $store.bind($scope, "password", ""); // TODO checkbox for saving password or not? // $scope.password = ""; $rootScope.closeBuffer = function(buffer_pointer) { delete($rootScope.buffers[buffer_pointer]); var first_buffer = _.keys($rootScope.buffers)[0]; $scope.setActiveBuffer(first_buffer); } $scope.setActiveBuffer = function(key) { $rootScope.activeBuffer['active'] = false; $rootScope.buffers[key]['active'] = true; $rootScope.buffers[key]['unread'] = ''; $rootScope.activeBuffer = $rootScope.buffers[key]; $rootScope.pageTitle = $rootScope.activeBuffer['short_name'] + ' | ' + $rootScope.activeBuffer['title']; }; $scope.sendMessage = function() { connection.sendMessage($scope.command); $scope.command = ""; }; $scope.connect = function() { connection.connect($scope.hostport, $scope.proto, $scope.password); } $rootScope.getLines = function() { var count = 20; connection.getLines(20); } /* Function gets called from bufferLineAdded code if user should be notified */ $rootScope.createHighlight = function(prefix, text, message, buffer, additionalContent) { var prefixs = ""; prefixs += prefix[0].text; if(prefix[1] != undefined) { prefixs += prefix[1].text; } var messages = ""; messages += text[0].text; var buffers = $rootScope.buffers[buffer]; var title = buffers.full_name; var content = "<"+prefixs+">"+messages; var timeout = 15*1000; console.log('Displaying notification:',title,',with timeout:',timeout); var notification = new Notification(title, {body:content, icon:'img/favicon.png'}); // Cancel notification automatically notification.onshow = function() { setTimeout(function() { notification.close() }, timeout); } }; }] );