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2023-01-31 02:37:41 +01:00
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<title>Richard Hendriks</title>
<meta name=\\"description\\" content=\\"Richard hails from Tulsa. He has earned degrees from the University of Oklahoma and Stanford. (Go Sooners and Cardinal!) Before starting Pied Piper, he worked for Hooli as a part time software developer. While his work focuses on applied information theory, mostly optimizing lossless compression schema of both the length-limited and adaptive variants, his non-work interests range widely, everything from quantum computing to chaos theory. He could tell you about it, but THAT would NOT be a “length-limited” conversation!\\">
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<h1>Richard Hendriks</h1>
<article><p>Richard hails from Tulsa. He has earned degrees from the University of Oklahoma and Stanford. (Go Sooners and Cardinal!) Before starting Pied Piper, he worked for Hooli as a part time software developer. While his work focuses on applied information theory, mostly optimizing lossless compression schema of both the length-limited and adaptive variants, his non-work interests range widely, everything from quantum computing to chaos theory. He could tell you about it, but THAT would NOT be a “length-limited” conversation!</p></article>
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<a href=\\"mailto:richard.hendriks@mail.com\\">richard.hendriks@mail.com</a>
<svg xmlns=\\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\\" width=\\"16\\" height=\\"16\\" viewBox=\\"0 0 24 24\\" fill=\\"none\\" stroke=\\"currentColor\\" stroke-width=\\"2\\" stroke-linecap=\\"round\\" stroke-linejoin=\\"round\\" class=\\"feather feather-phone\\"><path d=\\"M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z\\"></path></svg>
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<a href=\\"http://richardhendricks.example.com\\">richardhendricks.example.com</a>
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<span class=\\"network\\">(SoundCloud)</span>
<section id=\\"work\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<div class=\\"meta\\">
<strong><a href=\\"http://piedpiper.example.com\\">Pied Piper</a></strong>
<span class=\\"bullet-item\\">Awesome compression company</span>
<div><time datetime=\\"2013-12-01\\">Dec 2013</time> <time datetime=\\"2014-12-01\\">Dec 2014</time></div>
<div>Palo Alto, CA</div>
<p>Pied Piper is a multi-platform technology based on a proprietary universal compression algorithm that has consistently fielded high Weisman Scores™ that are not merely competitive, but approach the theoretical limit of lossless compression.</p>
<li><p>Build an algorithm for artist to detect if their music was violating copy right infringement laws</p></li><li><p>Successfully won Techcrunch Disrupt</p></li><li><p>Optimized an algorithm that holds the current world record for Weisman Scores</p></li>
<section id=\\"volunteer\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<div class=\\"meta\\">
<strong><a href=\\"http://coderdojo.example.com/\\">CoderDojo</a></strong>
<div><time datetime=\\"2012-01-01\\">Jan 2012</time> <time datetime=\\"2013-01-01\\">Jan 2013</time></div>
<p>Global movement of free coding clubs for young people.</p>
<li><p>Awarded 'Teacher of the Month'</p></li>
<section id=\\"education\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<h4><a href=\\"https://www.ou.edu/\\">University of Oklahoma</a></h4>
<div class=\\"meta\\">
<strong>Information Technology</strong>
<div><time datetime=\\"2011-06-01\\">Jun 2011</time> <time datetime=\\"2014-01-01\\">Jan 2014</time></div>
<li><p>DB1101 - Basic SQL</p></li><li><p>CS2011 - Java Introduction</p></li>
<section id=\\"projects\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<h4><a href=\\"missdirection.example.com\\">Miss Direction</a></h4>
<div class=\\"meta\\">
<strong>Team lead and Designer</strong>
at <strong>Smoogle</strong>
<div><time datetime=\\"2016-08-24\\">Aug 2016</time> <time datetime=\\"2016-08-24\\">Aug 2016</time></div>
<p>A mapping engine that misguides you</p>
<li><p>Won award at AIHacks 2016</p></li><li><p>Built by all women team of newbie programmers</p></li><li><p>Using modern technologies such as GoogleMaps, Chrome Extension and Javascript</p></li>
<section id=\\"awards\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<h4>Digital Compression Pioneer Award</h4>
<div class=\\"meta\\">
Awarded by <strong>Techcrunch</strong>
<time datetime=\\"2014-11-01\\">Nov 2014</time>
<p>There is no spoon.</p>
<section id=\\"publications\\">
<div class=\\"stack\\">
<h4><a href=\\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Valley_(TV_series)\\">Video compression for 3d media</a></h4>
<div class=\\"meta\\">
Published by <strong>Hooli</strong>
<time datetime=\\"2014-10-01\\">Oct 2014</time>
<p>Innovative middle-out compression algorithm that changes the way we store data.</p>
<section id=\\"skills\\">
<div class=\\"grid-list\\">
<h4>Web Development</h4>
<ul class=\\"tag-list\\">
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<section id=\\"languages\\">
<div class=\\"grid-list\\">
Native speaker
<section id=\\"interests\\">
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<section id=\\"references\\">
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<p>It is my pleasure to recommend Richard, his performance working as a consultant for Main St. Company proved that he will be a valuable addition to any company.</p>
<cite>Erlich Bachman</cite>