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# Debugging FAQ
This page details various common questions people have about troubleshooting their keyboards.
# Debug Console
## hid_listen can't recognize device
When debug console of your device is not ready you will see like this:
Waiting for device:.........
once the device is pluged in then *hid_listen* finds it you will get this message:
Waiting for new device:.........................
If you can't get this 'Listening:' message try building with `CONSOLE_ENABLE=yes` in [Makefile]
You may need privilege to access the device on OS like Linux.
- try `sudo hid_listen`
## Can't get message on console
- *hid_listen* finds your device. See above.
- Enable debug with pressing **Magic**+d. See [Magic Commands](https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard#magic-commands).
- set `debug_enable=true` usually in `matrix_init()` in **matrix.c**.
- try using 'print' function instead of debug print. See **common/print.h**.
- disconnect other devices with console function. See [Issue #97](https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/97).
## Linux or UNIX like system requires Super User privilege
Just use 'sudo' to execute *hid_listen* with privilege.
$ sudo hid_listen
Or add an *udev rule* for TMK devices with placing a file in rules directory. The directory may vary on each system.
File: /etc/udev/rules.d/52-tmk-keyboard.rules(in case of Ubuntu)
# tmk keyboard products https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="feed", MODE:="0666"
# Miscellaneous
## NKRO Doesn't work
First you have to compile frimware with this build option `NKRO_ENABLE` in **Makefile**.
Try `Magic` **N** command(`LShift+RShift+N` by default) when **NKRO** still doesn't work. You can use this command to toggle between **NKRO** and **6KRO** mode temporarily. In some situations **NKRO** doesn't work you need to switch to **6KRO** mode, in particular when you are in BIOS.
If your firmeare built with `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE` you need to turn its switch on by `BootMagic` **N** command(`Space+N` by default). This setting is stored in EEPROM and keeped over power cycles.
## TrackPoint needs reset circuit(PS/2 mouse support)
Without reset circuit you will have inconsistent reuslt due to improper initialize of the hardware. See circuit schematic of TPM754.
- http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=50176.msg1127447#msg1127447
- http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachment/52583/tpm754.pdf
## Can't read column of matrix beyond 16
Use `1UL<<16` instead of `1<<16` in `read_cols()` in [matrix.h] when your columns goes beyond 16.
In C `1` means one of [int] type which is [16bit] in case of AVR so you can't shift left more than 15. You will get unexpected zero when you say `1<<16`. You have to use [unsigned long] type with `1UL`.
## Bootloader jump doesn't work
Properly configure bootloader size in **Makefile**. With wrong section size bootloader won't probably start with **Magic command** and **Boot Magic**.
# Size of Bootloaders in bytes:
# Atmel DFU loader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Atmel DFU loader(AT90USB128) 8192
# LUFA bootloader(ATmega32U4) 4096
# Arduino Caterina(ATmega32U4) 4096
# USBaspLoader(ATmega***) 2048
# Teensy halfKay(ATmega32U4) 512
# Teensy++ halfKay(AT90USB128) 2048
AVR Boot section size are defined by setting **BOOTSZ** fuse in fact. Consult with your MCU datasheet.
Note that **Word**(2 bytes) size and address are used in datasheet while TMK uses **Byte**.
AVR Boot section is located at end of Flash memory like the followings.
byte Atmel/LUFA(ATMega32u4) byte Atmel(AT90SUB1286)
0x0000 +---------------+ 0x00000 +---------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| Application | | Application |
| | | |
= = = =
| | 32KB-4KB | | 128KB-8KB
0x6000 +---------------+ 0x1E000 +---------------+
| Bootloader | 4KB | Bootloader | 8KB
0x7FFF +---------------+ 0x1FFFF +---------------+
byte Teensy(ATMega32u4) byte Teensy++(AT90SUB1286)
0x0000 +---------------+ 0x00000 +---------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| Application | | Application |
| | | |
= = = =
| | 32KB-512B | | 128KB-2KB
0x7E00 +---------------+ 0x1FC00 +---------------+
| Bootloader | 512B | Bootloader | 2KB
0x7FFF +---------------+ 0x1FFFF +---------------+
And see this discussion for further reference.
## Special Extra key doesn't work(System, Audio control keys)
You need to define `EXTRAKEY_ENABLE` in `rules.mk` to use them in QMK.
EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes # Audio control and System control
## Wakeup from sleep doesn't work
In Windows check `Allow this device to wake the computer` setting in Power **Management property** tab of **Device Manager**. Also check BIOS setting.
Pressing any key during sleep should wake host.
## Using Arduino?
**Note that Arduino pin naming is different from actual chip.** For example, Arduino pin `D0` is not `PD0`. Check circuit with its schematics yourself.
- http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/arduino-leonardo-schematic_3b.pdf
- http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/arduino-micro-schematic.pdf
Arduino leonardo and micro have **ATMega32U4** and can be used for TMK, though Arduino bootloader may be a problem.
## Using PF4-7 pins of USB AVR?
You need to set JTD bit of MCUCR yourself to use PF4-7 as GPIO. Those pins are configured to serve JTAG function by default. MCUs like ATMega*U* or AT90USB* are affeteced with this.
If you are using Teensy this isn't needed. Teensy is shipped with JTAGEN fuse bit unprogrammed to disable the function.
See this code.
// JTAG disable for PORT F. write JTD bit twice within four cycles.
MCUCR |= (1<<JTD);
MCUCR |= (1<<JTD);
And read **26.5.1 MCU Control Register MCUCR** of ATMega32U4 datasheet.
## Adding LED indicators of Lock keys
You need your own LED indicators for CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock? See this post.
## Program Arduino Micro/Leonardo
Push reset button and then run command like this within 8 seconds.
avrdude -patmega32u4 -cavr109 -b57600 -Uflash:w:adb_usb.hex -P/dev/ttyACM0
Device name will vary depending on your system.
## USB 3 compatibility
I heard some people have a problem with USB 3 port, try USB 2 port.
## Mac compatibility
### OS X 10.11 and Hub
## Problem on BIOS(UEFI)/Resume(Sleep&Wake)/Power cycles
Some people reported their keyboard stops working on BIOS and/or after resume(power cycles).
As of now root of its cause is not clear but some build options seem to be related. In Makefile try to disable those options like `CONSOLE_ENABLE`, `NKRO_ENABLE`, `SLEEP_LED_ENABLE` and/or others.
## FLIP doesn't work
### AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found
Remove current driver and reinstall one FLIP provides from DeviceManager.