
89 lines
3.3 KiB

# We specify sources via Niv: use "niv update nixpkgs" to update nixpkgs, for example.
sources = import ./util/nix/sources.nix { };
# `tomlkit` >= 0.8.0 is required to build `jsonschema` >= 4.11.0 (older
# version do not support some valid TOML syntax: sdispater/tomlkit#148). The
# updated `tomlkit` must be used by `makeRemoveSpecialDependenciesHook`
# inside `poetry2nix`, therefore just providing the updated version through
# our `nix/pyproject.toml` does not work, and using an overlay is required.
pythonOverlay = final: prev: {
python3 = prev.python3.override {
packageOverrides = self: super: {
tomlkit = super.tomlkit.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec {
version = "0.11.4";
src = super.fetchPypi {
inherit (old) pname;
inherit version;
sha256 = "sha256-MjWpAQ+uVDI+cnw6wG+3IHUv5mNbNCbjedrsYPvUSoM=";
# However, if you want to override Niv's inputs, this will let you do that.
{ pkgs ? import sources.nixpkgs { overlays = [ pythonOverlay ]; }
, poetry2nix ? pkgs.callPackage (import sources.poetry2nix) { }
, avr ? true
, arm ? true
, teensy ? true }:
with pkgs;
avrlibc = pkgsCross.avr.libcCross;
avr_incflags = [
"-isystem ${avrlibc}/avr/include"
# Builds the python env based on nix/pyproject.toml and
# nix/poetry.lock Use the "poetry update --lock", "poetry add
# --lock" etc. in the nix folder to adjust the contents of those
# files if the requirements*.txt files change
pythonEnv = poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
projectDir = ./util/nix;
overrides = poetry2nix.overrides.withDefaults (self: super: {
pillow = super.pillow.overridePythonAttrs(old: {
# Use preConfigure from nixpkgs to fix library detection issues and
# impurities which can break the build process; this also requires
# adding propagatedBuildInputs and buildInputs from the same source.
propagatedBuildInputs = (old.buildInputs or []) ++ pkgs.python3.pkgs.pillow.propagatedBuildInputs;
buildInputs = (old.buildInputs or []) ++ pkgs.python3.pkgs.pillow.buildInputs;
preConfigure = (old.preConfigure or "") + pkgs.python3.pkgs.pillow.preConfigure;
qmk = super.qmk.overridePythonAttrs(old: {
# Allow QMK CLI to run "qmk" as a subprocess (the wrapper changes
# $PATH and breaks these invocations).
dontWrapPythonPrograms = true;
mkShell {
name = "qmk-firmware";
buildInputs = [ clang-tools dfu-programmer dfu-util diffutils git pythonEnv niv ]
++ lib.optional avr [
++ lib.optional arm [ gcc-arm-embedded ]
++ lib.optional teensy [ teensy-loader-cli ];
AVR_CFLAGS = lib.optional avr avr_incflags;
AVR_ASFLAGS = lib.optional avr avr_incflags;
shellHook = ''
# Prevent the avr-gcc wrapper from picking up host GCC flags
# like -iframework, which is problematic on Darwin