
409 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Quantum Graphics File "QGF" Image File Format.
# See https://docs.qmk.fm/#/quantum_painter_qgf for more information.
from colorsys import rgb_to_hsv
from types import FunctionType
from PIL import Image, ImageFile, ImageChops
from PIL._binary import o8, o16le as o16, o32le as o32
import qmk.painter
def o24(i):
return o16(i & 0xFFFF) + o8((i & 0xFF0000) >> 16)
class QGFBlockHeader:
block_size = 5
def write(self, fp):
fp.write(b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o8(self.type_id) # block type id
+ o8((~self.type_id) & 0xFF) # negated block type id
+ o24(self.length) # blob length
class QGFGraphicsDescriptor:
type_id = 0x00
length = 18
magic = 0x464751
def __init__(self):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFGraphicsDescriptor.type_id
self.header.length = QGFGraphicsDescriptor.length
self.version = 1
self.total_file_size = 0
self.image_width = 0
self.image_height = 0
self.frame_count = 0
def write(self, fp):
b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o24(QGFGraphicsDescriptor.magic) # magic
+ o8(self.version) # version
+ o32(self.total_file_size) # file size
+ o32((~self.total_file_size) & 0xFFFFFFFF) # negated file size
+ o16(self.image_width) # width
+ o16(self.image_height) # height
+ o16(self.frame_count) # frame count
class QGFFrameOffsetDescriptorV1:
type_id = 0x01
def __init__(self, frame_count):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFFrameOffsetDescriptorV1.type_id
self.frame_offsets = [0xFFFFFFFF] * frame_count
self.frame_count = frame_count
def write(self, fp):
self.header.length = len(self.frame_offsets) * 4
for offset in self.frame_offsets:
fp.write(b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o32(offset) # offset
class QGFFrameDescriptorV1:
type_id = 0x02
length = 6
def __init__(self):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFFrameDescriptorV1.type_id
self.header.length = QGFFrameDescriptorV1.length
self.format = 0xFF
self.flags = 0
self.compression = 0xFF
self.transparency_index = 0xFF # TODO: Work out how to retrieve the transparent palette entry from the PIL gif loader
self.delay = 1000 # Placeholder until it gets read from the animation
def write(self, fp):
fp.write(b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o8(self.format) # format
+ o8(self.flags) # flags
+ o8(self.compression) # compression
+ o8(self.transparency_index) # transparency index
+ o16(self.delay) # delay
def is_transparent(self):
return (self.flags & 0x01) == 0x01
def is_transparent(self, val):
if val:
self.flags |= 0x01
self.flags &= ~0x01
def is_delta(self):
return (self.flags & 0x02) == 0x02
def is_delta(self, val):
if val:
self.flags |= 0x02
self.flags &= ~0x02
class QGFFramePaletteDescriptorV1:
type_id = 0x03
def __init__(self):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFFramePaletteDescriptorV1.type_id
self.header.length = 0
self.palette_entries = [(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)] * 4
def write(self, fp):
self.header.length = len(self.palette_entries) * 3
for entry in self.palette_entries:
fp.write(b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o8(entry[0]) # h
+ o8(entry[1]) # s
+ o8(entry[2]) # v
class QGFFrameDeltaDescriptorV1:
type_id = 0x04
length = 8
def __init__(self):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFFrameDeltaDescriptorV1.type_id
self.header.length = QGFFrameDeltaDescriptorV1.length
self.left = 0
self.top = 0
self.right = 0
self.bottom = 0
def write(self, fp):
fp.write(b'' # start off with empty bytes...
+ o16(self.left) # left
+ o16(self.top) # top
+ o16(self.right) # right
+ o16(self.bottom) # bottom
class QGFFrameDataDescriptorV1:
type_id = 0x05
def __init__(self):
self.header = QGFBlockHeader()
self.header.type_id = QGFFrameDataDescriptorV1.type_id
self.data = []
def write(self, fp):
self.header.length = len(self.data)
class QGFImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "QGF"
format_description = "Quantum Graphics File Format"
def _open(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Reading QGF files is not supported")
def _accept(prefix):
"""Helper method used by PIL to work out if it can parse an input file.
Currently unimplemented.
return False
def _save(im, fp, filename):
"""Helper method used by PIL to write to an output file.
# Work out from the parameters if we need to do anything special
encoderinfo = im.encoderinfo.copy()
append_images = list(encoderinfo.get("append_images", []))
verbose = encoderinfo.get("verbose", False)
use_deltas = encoderinfo.get("use_deltas", True)
use_rle = encoderinfo.get("use_rle", True)
# Helper for inline verbose prints
def vprint(s):
if verbose:
# Helper to iterate through all frames in the input image
def _for_all_frames(x: FunctionType):
frame_num = 0
last_frame = None
for frame in [im] + append_images:
# Get number of of frames in this image
nfr = getattr(frame, "n_frames", 1)
for idx in range(nfr):
copy = frame.copy().convert("RGB")
x(frame_num, copy, last_frame)
last_frame = copy
frame_num += 1
# Collect all the frame sizes
frame_sizes = []
_for_all_frames(lambda idx, frame, last_frame: frame_sizes.append(frame.size))
# Make sure all frames are the same size
if len(list(set(frame_sizes))) != 1:
raise ValueError("Mismatching sizes on frames")
# Write out the initial graphics descriptor (and write a dummy value), so that we can come back and fill in the
# correct values once we've written all the frames to the output
graphics_descriptor_location = fp.tell()
graphics_descriptor = QGFGraphicsDescriptor()
graphics_descriptor.frame_count = len(frame_sizes)
graphics_descriptor.image_width = frame_sizes[0][0]
graphics_descriptor.image_height = frame_sizes[0][1]
vprint(f'{"Graphics descriptor block":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
# Work out the frame offset descriptor location (and write a dummy value), so that we can come back and fill in the
# correct offsets once we've written all the frames to the output
frame_offset_location = fp.tell()
frame_offsets = QGFFrameOffsetDescriptorV1(graphics_descriptor.frame_count)
vprint(f'{"Frame offsets block":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
# Helper function to save each frame to the output file
def _write_frame(idx, frame, last_frame):
# If we replace the frame we're going to output with a delta, we can override it here
this_frame = frame
location = (0, 0)
size = frame.size
# Work out the format we're going to use
format = encoderinfo["qmk_format"]
# Convert the original frame so we can do comparisons
converted = qmk.painter.convert_requested_format(this_frame, format)
graphic_data = qmk.painter.convert_image_bytes(converted, format)
# Convert the raw data to RLE-encoded if requested
raw_data = graphic_data[1]
if use_rle:
rle_data = qmk.painter.compress_bytes_qmk_rle(graphic_data[1])
use_raw_this_frame = not use_rle or len(raw_data) <= len(rle_data)
image_data = raw_data if use_raw_this_frame else rle_data
# Work out if a delta frame is smaller than injecting it directly
use_delta_this_frame = False
if use_deltas and last_frame is not None:
# If we want to use deltas, then find the difference
diff = ImageChops.difference(frame, last_frame)
# Get the bounding box of those differences
bbox = diff.getbbox()
# If we have a valid bounding box...
if bbox:
# ...create the delta frame by cropping the original.
delta_frame = frame.crop(bbox)
delta_location = (bbox[0], bbox[1])
delta_size = (bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1])
# Convert the delta frame to the requested format
delta_converted = qmk.painter.convert_requested_format(delta_frame, format)
delta_graphic_data = qmk.painter.convert_image_bytes(delta_converted, format)
# Work out how large the delta frame is going to be with compression etc.
delta_raw_data = delta_graphic_data[1]
if use_rle:
delta_rle_data = qmk.painter.compress_bytes_qmk_rle(delta_graphic_data[1])
delta_use_raw_this_frame = not use_rle or len(delta_raw_data) <= len(delta_rle_data)
delta_image_data = delta_raw_data if delta_use_raw_this_frame else delta_rle_data
# If the size of the delta frame (plus delta descriptor) is smaller than the original, use that instead
# This ensures that if a non-delta is overall smaller in size, we use that in preference due to flash
# sizing constraints.
if (len(delta_image_data) + QGFFrameDeltaDescriptorV1.length) < len(image_data):
# Copy across all the delta equivalents so that the rest of the processing acts on those
this_frame = delta_frame
location = delta_location
size = delta_size
converted = delta_converted
graphic_data = delta_graphic_data
raw_data = delta_raw_data
rle_data = delta_rle_data
use_raw_this_frame = delta_use_raw_this_frame
image_data = delta_image_data
use_delta_this_frame = True
# Write out the frame descriptor
frame_offsets.frame_offsets[idx] = fp.tell()
vprint(f'{f"Frame {idx:3d} base":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
frame_descriptor = QGFFrameDescriptorV1()
frame_descriptor.is_delta = use_delta_this_frame
frame_descriptor.is_transparent = False
frame_descriptor.format = format['image_format_byte']
frame_descriptor.compression = 0x00 if use_raw_this_frame else 0x01 # See qp.h, painter_compression_t
frame_descriptor.delay = frame.info['duration'] if 'duration' in frame.info else 1000 # If we're not an animation, just pretend we're delaying for 1000ms
# Write out the palette if required
if format['has_palette']:
palette = graphic_data[0]
palette_descriptor = QGFFramePaletteDescriptorV1()
# Helper to convert from RGB888 to the QMK "dialect" of HSV888
def rgb888_to_qmk_hsv888(e):
hsv = rgb_to_hsv(e[0] / 255.0, e[1] / 255.0, e[2] / 255.0)
return (int(hsv[0] * 255.0), int(hsv[1] * 255.0), int(hsv[2] * 255.0))
# Convert all palette entries to HSV888 and write to the output
palette_descriptor.palette_entries = list(map(rgb888_to_qmk_hsv888, palette))
vprint(f'{f"Frame {idx:3d} palette":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
# Write out the delta info if required
if use_delta_this_frame:
# Set up the rendering location of where the delta frame should be situated
delta_descriptor = QGFFrameDeltaDescriptorV1()
delta_descriptor.left = location[0]
delta_descriptor.top = location[1]
delta_descriptor.right = location[0] + size[0] - 1
delta_descriptor.bottom = location[1] + size[1] - 1
# Write the delta frame to the output
vprint(f'{f"Frame {idx:3d} delta":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
# Write out the data for this frame to the output
data_descriptor = QGFFrameDataDescriptorV1()
data_descriptor.data = image_data
vprint(f'{f"Frame {idx:3d} data":26s} {fp.tell():5d}d / {fp.tell():04X}h')
# Iterate over each if the input frames, writing it to the output in the process
# Go back and update the graphics descriptor now that we can determine the final file size
graphics_descriptor.total_file_size = fp.tell()
fp.seek(graphics_descriptor_location, 0)
# Go back and update the frame offsets now that they're written to the file
fp.seek(frame_offset_location, 0)
# Register with PIL so that it knows about the QGF format
Image.register_open(QGFImageFile.format, QGFImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(QGFImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_save_all(QGFImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(QGFImageFile.format, f".{QGFImageFile.format.lower()}")
Image.register_mime(QGFImageFile.format, f"image/{QGFImageFile.format.lower()}")