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K. Gupta and S. D. Senturia", title = "Pull-in Time Dynamics as a Measure of Absolute Pressure", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} International Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems ({MEMS}'97)", address = "Nagoya, Japan", month = jan, year = "1997", pages = "290-294" } @book{IEEEexample:book_typical, author = "B. D. Cullity", title = "Introduction to Magnetic Materials", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, MA", year = "1972" } @misc{IEEEexample:TBPmisc, author = "M. Coates and A. Hero and R. Nowak and B. Yu", title = "Internet Tomography", howpublished = IEEE_M_SP, month = may, year = "2002", note = "to be published" } book with editor and no author From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1725, reference #1. @book{IEEEexample:bookwitheditor, editor = "J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes", title = "Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory, Design and Simulation", publisher = "{IEEE} Press.", address = "New York", year = "1992" } book with edition, author and editor Note that the standard BibTeX styles do not support book entries with both author and editor fields, but IEEEtran.bst does. The standard BibTeX way of specifying the edition is to use capitalized ordinal words such as "First", "Second", etc. Most .bst files can convert up to about "Fifth" into the format needed. IEEEtran.bst can convert up to "Tenth" to the "Arabic ordinal" form IEEE uses (e.g., "10th"). For editions over the tenth, it is best to use the "Arabic ordinal" form for IEEE related work (e.g., "101st") Note how "Jr." has to be entered. From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 856, reference #17. @book{IEEEexample:book, author = "S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko", editor = "Osgood, Jr., R. M.", title = "Laser Assisted Microtechnology", edition = "Second", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin, Germany", year = "1998" } book with series and volume From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 11, reference #31. @book{IEEEexample:bookwithseriesvolume, editor = "J. Breckling", title = "The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications to Wind Speed and Direction", series = "Lecture Notes in Statistics", publisher = "Springer", address = "Berlin, Germany", year = "1989", volume = "61" } inbook with chapter number. The pages field could also have been given. The chapter number could be changed to something else such as a section number via the type field: type = "sec.". From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems---I: Fundamental Applications and Theory", page 638, reference #22. @inbook{IEEEexample:inbook, author = "H. E. Rose", title = "A Course in Number Theory", publisher = "Oxford Univ. Press", address = "New York, NY", year = "1988", chapter = "3" } inbook with pages and note. The language field is not set to Russian because the title is presented here in its translated, English, form. From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics", page 1533, reference #5. @inbook{IEEEexample:inbookpagesnote, author = "B. K. Bul", title = "Theory Principles and Design of Magnetic Circuits", publisher = "Energia Press", address = "Moscow", year = "1964", pages = "464", note = "(in Russian)" } incollection with author and editor From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 807, reference #7. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollection, author = "W. V. Sorin", editor = "D. Derickson", title = "Optical Reflectometry for Component Characterization", booktitle = "Fiber Optic Test and Measurement", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", year = "1998" } incollection with series From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communication", page 609, reference #3. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollectionwithseries, author = "J. B. Anderson and K. Tepe", title = "Properties of the Tailbiting {BCJR} Decoder", booktitle = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models", series = "{IMA} Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", year = "2000" } incollection with author, editor, chapter and pages From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 16, reference #9. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollection_chpp, author = "P. Hedelin and P. Knagenhjelm and M. Skoglund", editor = "W. B. Kleijn and K. K. Paliwal", title = "Theory for Transmission of Vector Quantization Data", booktitle = "Speech Coding and Synthesis", publisher = "Elsevier Science", address = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands", year = "1995", chapter = "10", pages = "347-396" } incollection with a large number of authors, some authors/journals will use et al. for so many names. IEEEtran.bst can be configured to do this if desired, or "R. M. A. Dawson and others" can be used instead. Note that IEEE may not include the publisher for incollection entries - IEEEtran.bst will not issue a warning if the publisher is missing for incollections - but other .bst files often will. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", page 996, reference #12. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollectionmanyauthors, author = "R. M. A. Dawson and Z. Shen and D. A. Furst and S. Connor and J. Hsu and M. G. Kane and R. G. Stewart and A. Ipri and C. N. King and P. J. Green and R. T. Flegal and S. Pearson and W. A. Barrow and E. Dickey and K. Ping and C. W. Tang and S. Van. Slyke and F. Chen and J. Shi and J. C. Sturm and M. H. Lu", title = "Design of an Improved Pixel for a Polysilicon Active-Matrix Organic {LED} Display", booktitle = "{SID} Tech. Dig.", volume = "29", year = "1998", pages = "11-14" } A Motorola data book as a manual It is somewhat unusual to include the data book part number. in the title. It might be more correct to put this information in the howpublished field instead. From the December 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 1986, reference #10. @manual{IEEEexample:motmanual, title = "{FLEXChip} Signal Processor ({MC68175/D})", organization = "Motorola", year = "1996" } same reference, but using IEEEtran's howpublished extension @manual{IEEEexample:motmanualhowpub, title = "{FLEXChip} Signal Processor", howpublished = "{MC68175/D}", organization = "Motorola", year = "1996" } conference paper with an address and days. Some journals capitalize the letters in "Globecom", this one did not. From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 697, reference #12. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithadddays, author = "M. S. Yee and L. Hanzo", title = "Radial Basis Function Decision Feedback Equaliser Assisted Burst-by-burst Adaptive Modulation", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} Globecom '99", address = "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil", month = dec # " 5--9,", year = "1999", pages = "2183-2187" } conference paper with volume number. A conference proceedings with a vol number is a little uncommon, note that the vol number is placed before the address in the formatted bibliography entry From the April 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 181, reference #26. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithvolume, author = "M. Yajnik and S. B. Moon and J. Kurose and D. Towsley", title = "Measurement and Modeling of the Temporal Dependence in Packet Loss", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} {INFOCOM}'99", volume = "1", address = "New York, NY", month = mar, year = "1999", pages = "345-352" } conference paper with a paper number, the type field can be used to override the word "paper", e.g., type = "postdeadline paper". A type can be given even without a paper field. Also, IEEEtran.bst can be configured to ignore paper numbers and types. From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 807, reference #4. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithpaper, author = "M. Wegmuller and J. P. von der Weid and P. Oberson and N. Gisin", title = "High Resolution Fiber Distributed Measurements With Coherent {OFDR}", booktitle = "Proc. {ECOC}'00", year = "2000", paper = "11.3.4", pages = "109" } conference paper with a postdeadline type paper, the paper field is optional. From the August 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1087, reference #12. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithpapertype, author = "B. Mikkelsen and G. Raybon and R.-J. Essiambre and K. Dreyer and Y. Su. and L. E. Nelson and J. E. Johnson and G. Shtengel and A. Bond and D. G. Moodie and A. D. Ellis", title = "160 {Gbit/s} Single-channel Transmission Over 300 km Nonzero-dispersion Fiber With Semiconductor Based Transmitter and Demultiplexer", booktitle = "Proc. {ECOC}'99", year = "1999", paper = "2-3", type = "postdeadline paper", pages = "28-29" } presented at a conference intype overrides the default "in" and causes the booktitle not to be emphasized (rendered in italics). From the February 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 163, reference #6. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:presentedatconf, author = "S. G. Finn and M. M{\'e}dard and R. A. Barry", title = "A Novel Approach to Automatic Protection Switching Using Trees", intype = "presented at the", booktitle = "Proc. Int. Conf. Commun.", year = "1997" } master's thesis, often the University name will be abbreviated and the state or country will be included in the address. The type field can used to override the default type "Master's thesis" From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Microelectromechanical Systems", page 186, reference #11. @mastersthesis{IEEEexample:masters, author = "Nin C. Loh", title = "High-Resolution Micromachined Interferometric Accelerometer", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", address = "Cambridge", year = "1992" } master's thesis with a type field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #12. @mastersthesis{IEEEexample:masterstype, author = "A. Karnik", title = "Performance of {TCP} Congestion Control with Rate Feedback: {TCP/ABR} and Rate Adaptive {TCP/IP}", school = "Indian Institute of Science", type = "M. Eng. thesis", address = "Bangalore, India", month = jan, year = "1999" } Ph.D. dissertation with a URL field, the university is abbreviated From the October 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 590, reference #11. @phdthesis{IEEEexample:phdurl, author = "Q. Li", title = "Delay Characterization and Performance Control of Wide-area Networks", school = "Univ. of Delaware", address = "Newark", month = may, year = "2000", url = "http://www.ece.udel.edu/~qli" } technical report From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 490, reference #15. @techreport{IEEEexample:techrep, author = "R. Jain and K. K. Ramakrishnan and D. M. Chiu", title = "Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks with a Connectionless Network Layer", institution = "Digital Equipment Corporation", address = "MA", number = "DEC-TR-506", month = aug, year = "1987" } technical report with type for those times when "Tech. Rep." needs to be modified From the February 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 46, reference #8. @techreport{IEEEexample:techreptype, author = "J. Padhye and V. Firoiu and D. Towsley", title = "A Stochastic Model of {TCP} {R}eno Congestion Avoidance and Control", institution = "Univ. of Massachusetts", address = "Amherst, MA", type = "CMPSCI Tech. Rep.", number = "99-02", year = "1999" } technical report with type for those times when "Tech. Rep." needs to be modified This reference did not have an address. From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 117, reference #6. @techreport{IEEEexample:techreptypeii, author = "D. Middleton and A. D. Spaulding", title = "A Tutorial Review of Elements of Weak Signal Detection in Non-{G}aussian {EMI} Environments", institution = "National Telecommunications and Information Administration ({NTIA}), U.S. Dept. of Commerce", type = "NTIA Report", number = "86-194", month = may, year = "1986" } an unpublished work for unpublished types, the note field is required. IEEE usually just uses the word "unpublished" for the note. From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #16. @unpublished{IEEEexample:unpublished, author = "T. J. Ott and N. Aggarwal", title = "{TCP} over {ATM}: {ABR} or {UBR}", note = "Unpublished" } electronic with a howpublished information field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #7. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronhowinfo, author = "V. Jacobson", title = "Modified {TCP} Congestion Avoidance Algorithm", howpublished = "end2end-interest mailing list", url = "ftp://ftp.isi.edu/end2end/end2end-interest-1990.mail", month = apr, year = "1990" } electronic with a howpublished information field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 418, reference #31. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronhowinfo2, author = "V. Valloppillil and K. W. Ross", title = "Cache Array Routing Protocol v1.1", howpublished = "Internet draft", url = "http://ds1.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-vinod-carp-v1-03.txt", year = "1998" } electronic with an organization and address From the February 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 114, reference #15. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronorgadd, author = "D. H. Lorenz and A. Orda", title = "Optimal Partition of {QoS} Requirements on Unicast Paths and Multicast Trees", organization = "Dept. Elect. Eng., Technion", address = "Haifa, Israel", url = "ftp://ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/supported/ee/Network/lor.mopq98.ps", month = jul, year = "1998" } U.S. patent Use the type field to override the patent type. e.g., type = "Patent Application" The address is that of the assignee. Note that IEEE does not display the assignee, the address, and only displays one date. (if year is not present, the filed dates are used.) However, this information should be entered as other BibTeX styles may use it. alternatively, nationality could be entered as "U.S." From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 542, reference #6. @patent{IEEEexample:uspat, author = "Ronald E. Sorace and Victor S. Reinhardt and Steven A. Vaughn", assignee = "Hughes Aircraft Company", address = "Los Angeles, CA", title = "High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter", nationality = "United States", number = "5668842", dayfiled = "28", monthfiled = feb, yearfiled = "1995", day = "16", month = sep, year = "1997" } Japanese Patent From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 556, reference #6. @patent{IEEEexample:jppat, author = "U. Hideki", title = "Quadrature Modulation Circuit", nationality = "Japanese", number = "152932/92", day = "20", month = may, year = "1992" } French Patent request, the language field must be entered in lower case as this is the option name Babel uses. The nationality field needs to be capitalized. Because this is a patent request, the date filed fields are used while the date fields are left empty/missing. In other countries, the words "Patent Application", etc. are used instead. From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 556, reference #9. @patent{IEEEexample:frenchpatreq, author = "F. Kowalik and M. Isard", title = "Estimateur d'un D{\'e}faut de Fonctionnement d'un Modulateur en Quadrature et {\'E}tage de Modulation l'Utilisant", language = "french", nationality = "French", type = "Patent Request", number = "9500261", dayfiled = "11", monthfiled = jan, yearfiled = "1995" } a periodical From the April 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 160, reference #1. sort key is needed for sorting styles @periodical{IEEEexample:periodical, title = IEEE_M_PCOM # ", Special Issue on Wireless {ATM}", volume = "3", month = aug, year = "1996", key = "IEEE" } standard, IEEE does not use the address for standards, but it is good to provide one for BibTeX styles that use it. From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 451, reference #2. @standard{IEEEexample:standard, title = "Wireless {LAN} Medium Access Control {(MAC)} and Physical Layer {(PHY)} Specification", organization = "IEEE", address = "Piscataway, NJ", number = "802.11", year = "1997" } standard with type and revision, the type overrides the word standard (or std.). Here a standard number is not available and a revision number is used. From the August 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1048, reference #13. @standard{IEEEexample:standardproposed, title = "Fiber Channel Physical Interface ({FC-PI})", institution = "NCITS", address = "Washington, DC", type = "Working Draft Proposed Standard", revision = "5.2", year = "1999" } standard draft as a misc with author From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication", page 725, reference #16. @misc{IEEEexample:draftasmisc, author = "I. Widjaja and A. Elwalid", title = "{MATE}: {MPLS} Adaptive Traffic Engineering", howpublished = "IETF Draft", year = "1999" } misc for a techreport like reference techreport is not perfectly suitable because this entry lacks an institution field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 490, reference #22. @misc{IEEEexample:miscforum, author = "L. Roberts", title = "Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm {PRCA}", howpublished = "{ATM} Forum Contribution 94-0735R1", month = aug, year = "1994" } misc for a white paper From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 478, reference #4 - Note that the reference there (improperly?) used the author field for "Cisco". @misc{IEEEexample:whitepaper, title = "Advanced {QoS} Services for the Intelligent Internet", howpublished = "White Paper", organization = "Cisco", month = may, year = "1997" } misc for a data sheet From the November 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1551, reference #6. @misc{IEEEexample:datasheet, title = "{PDCA12-70} Data Sheet", organization = "Opto Speed SA", address = "Mezzovico, Switzerland" } Other unusual references a private communication as a misc entry type sometimes the designation "personal communication" is used instead From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1725, reference #16. @misc{IEEEexample:private, author = "S. Konyagin", howpublished = "private communication", year = "1998" } an internet request for comments (RFC) as a misc entry type It would also be nice to add a URL to these types of things. RFCs can also be handled as electronic references. From the April 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 181, reference #14. @misc{IEEEexample:miscrfc, author = "K. K. Ramakrishnan and S. Floyd", title = "A Proposal to Add Explicit Congestion Notification ({ECN}) to {IP}", howpublished = "RFC 2481", month = jan, year = "1999" } a software package as a manual From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems", page 205, reference #20. Sometimes they put the version/release information in the title. @manual{IEEEexample:softmanual, title = "SaberDesigner Reference Manual", organization = "Analogy, Inc.", address = "Beaverton, OR", year = "1998", note = "Release 4.3" } a software package as an electronic reference From the February 2003 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 46, reference #24. If there is no author or organization, a sorting key is required for sorting styles. It might be a good idea to include month and year fields as well. @electronic{IEEEexample:softonline, title = "Ucb/lbnl/vint Network Simulator---ns (Version 2)", url = "http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/", key = "ns" } misc for a German regulation In German, the first letters of nouns are capitalized, so we do so here. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Journal in Selected Areas in Communication", page 892, reference #9. @misc{IEEEexample:miscgermanreg, title = "{M}essung von {S}t{\"o}rfeldern an {A}nlagen und {L}eitungen der {T}elekommunikation im {F}requenzbereich 9 {kHz} bis 3 {GHz}", language = "german", howpublished = "{M}e{\ss}vorschrift {R}eg {TP} {MV} 05", organization = "Regulierungsbeh{\"o}rde f{\"u}r {T}elekommunikation und {P}ost ({R}eg {TP})" } Ways to handle things like CCSDS's Blue Books journal article with a URL. However, this is not a very good approach because the Blue Books are not really journals and the author field has to be abused. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1461, reference #7. @article{IEEEexample:bluebookarticle, author = "{Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)}", title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", journal = "Blue Book", number = "4", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a book However, it is not a good idea to have to use the author field for an organization (done here because the book entry type requires an author field). @book{IEEEexample:bluebookbook, author = "{Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)}", title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", series = "Blue Book", number = "4", publisher = "{CCSDS}", address = "Newport Beach, {CA}", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a manual This is a much better approach, but uses the howpublished field. @manual{IEEEexample:bluebookmanual, title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", howpublished = "ser. Blue Book, No. 4", organization = "Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)", address = "Newport Beach, CA", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a standard Probably the best approach for this particular case because the work is standard related. Note that IEEE does not display the address for standards. @standard{IEEEexample:bluebookstandard, title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", howpublished = "ser. Blue Book, No. 4", organization = "Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)", address = "Newport Beach, CA", type = "Recommendation for Space Data System Standard", number = "101.0-B-4", month = May, year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } An example of a IEEEtran control entry which can change some IEEEtran.bst settings. An entry like this must be cited via \bstctlcite{} command before the first real \cite{}. The same entry key cannot be called twice (just like multiple \cite{} of the same entry key place only one entry in the bibliography.) The available control fields are: CTLuse_article_number "no" turns off the display of the number for articles. "yes" enables CTLuse_paper "no" turns off the display of the paper and type fields in inproceedings. "yes" enables CTLuse_forced_etal "no" turns off the forced use of "et al." "yes" enables CTLmax_names_forced_etal The maximum number of names that can be present beyond which an "et al." usage is forced. Be sure that CTLnames_show_etal (below) is not greater than this value! CTLnames_show_etal The number of names that will be shown with a forced "et al.". Must be less than or equal to CTLmax_names_forced_etal CTLuse_alt_spacing "no" turns off the alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs. "yes" enables CTLalt_stretch_factor If alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs is enabled, this is the interword spacing stretch factor that will be used. For example, the default "4" here means that the interword spacing in entries with URLs can stretch to four times normal. Does not have to be an integer. CTLdash_repeated_names "no" turns off the "dashification" of repeated (i.e., identical to those of the previous entry) names. IEEE normally does this. "yes" enables CTLname_format_string The name format control string as explained in the BibTeX style hacking guide. IEEE style "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" is the default, CTLname_latex_cmd A LaTeX command that each name will be fed to (e.g., "\textsc"). Leave empty if no special font is desired for the names. The default is empty. CTLname_url_prefix The prefix text used before URLs. The default is "[Online]. Available:" A space will be inserted after this text. If this space is not wanted, just use \relax at the end of the prefix text. Those fields that are not to be changed can be left out. @IEEEtranBSTCTL{IEEEexample:BSTcontrol, CTLuse_article_number = "yes", CTLuse_paper = "yes", CTLuse_forced_etal = "no", CTLmax_names_forced_etal = "10", CTLnames_show_etal = "1", CTLuse_alt_spacing = "yes", CTLalt_stretch_factor = "4", CTLdash_repeated_names = "yes", CTLname_format_string = "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}", CTLname_latex_cmd = "", CTLname_url_prefix = "[Online]. Available:" } @book{searle1990mystery, title={The mystery of consciousness}, author={Searle, John R}, year={1990}, publisher={New York Review of Books} } @incollection{nagel1980like, title={What is it like to be a bat?}, author={Nagel, Thomas}, booktitle={The Language and Thought Series}, pages={159-168}, year={1980}, publisher={Harvard University Press} } @phdthesis{meera2023free, title={Free Energy Principle Based Precision Modulation for Robot Attention: Towards brain inspired robot intelligence}, author={Meera, A Anil}, year={2023} school={Delft University of Technology} } @article{sims2021springer, title={Modelling ourselves: what the free energy principle reveals about our implicit notions of representation}, author={Sims, Matt and Pezzulo, Giovanni}, journal={Synthese}, volume={199}, number={3-4}, pages={7801-7833}, year={2021}, publisher={Springer} } @inproceedings{crick1990saunders, title={Towards a neurobiological theory of consciousness}, author={Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof}, booktitle={Seminars in the Neurosciences}, volume={2}, pages={263-275}, year={1990}, organization={Saunders Scientific Publications} } @article{seth2018sage title={Consciousness: The last 50 years (and the next)}, author={Seth, Anil K}, journal={Brain and neuroscience advances}, volume={2}, pages={2398212818816019}, year={2018}, publisher={SAGE Publications} } @incollection{nagel1980like, title={What is it like to be a bat?}, author={Nagel, Thomas}, booktitle={The Language and Thought Series}, pages={159-168}, year={1980}, publisher={Harvard University Press} } @misc{block2002oxford, title={Some concepts of consciousness}, author={Block, Ned}, journal={Philosophy of mind: Classical and contemporary readings}, pages={206-218}, year={2002}, publisher={Oxford University Press Oxford} } @article{Chalmers1995jcs, author = {David Chalmers}, number = {3}, year = {1995}, pages = {200-19}, title = {Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness}, publisher = {Imprint Academic}, volume = {2}, journal = {Journal of Consciousness Studies} } @book{dennett1993consciousness, title={Consciousness explained}, author={Dennett, Daniel C}, year={1993}, publisher={Penguin uk} } @misc{chatila2022pourquoi, title={Pourquoi la reconnaissance faciale, posturale et comportementale soul{\`e}ve-t-elle des questionnements {\'e}thiques?}, author={Chatila, Raja and Tessier, Catherine}, year={2022} } @article{vanhaudenhuyse2007elsevier, title={D{\'e}tecter les signes de conscience chez le patient en {\'e}tat de conscience minimale}, author={Vanhaudenhuyse, A and Schnakers, C and Boly, M and Perrin, F and Br{\'e}dart, S and Laureys, S}, journal={R{\'e}animation}, volume={16}, number={6}, pages={527-532}, year={2007}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{friston2016mit, title={The pragmatic turn: Toward action-oriented views in cognitive science}, author={Engel, Andreas K and Friston, Karl J and Kragic, Danica}, volume={18}, year={2016}, publisher={mit Press} } @article{menary2010springer, title={Introduction to the special issue on 4E cognition}, author={Menary, Richard}, journal={Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences}, volume={9}, pages={459-463}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer} } @article{varela2017mit, title={The embodied mind}, author={Varela, Francisco J and Thompson, Evan and Rosch, Eleanor and Kabat-Zinn, Jon}, journal={(No Title)}, year={2017}, publisher={The MIT Press} } @book{penny2019mit, title={Making sense: Cognition, computing, art, and embodiment}, author={Penny, Simon}, year={2019}, publisher={MIT Press} } @article{benesch1999jstor, title={Technology, Art, and the Cybernetic Body: The Cyborg as Cultural Other in Fritz Lang's" Metropolis" and Philip K. Dick's" Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"}, author={Benesch, Klaus}, journal={Amerikastudien/American Studies}, pages={379-392}, year={1999}, publisher={JSTOR} } @article{rhee2013hopkins, title={Beyond the Uncanny Valley: Masahiro Mori and Philip K. 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Knopf, Inc.}, address = {USA} } @inproceedings{vorn2018alborg, title={Becoming cyborg: interdisciplinary approaches for exoskeleton research}, author={Jochum, Elizabeth and Demers, Louis-Philippe and Vorn, Bill and Vlachos, Evgenios and McIlvenny, Paul and Raudaskoski, Pirkko}, booktitle={Politics of the machines-Art and after (Electronic Workshops in Computing)}, pages={1-9}, year={2018}, organization={BCS Learning and Development Ltd.} } @article{dukanic2019sp, author = {Dukanic, Filip}, year = {2019}, month = {01}, pages = {}, title = {De la disparition scénique entre le postmoderne et le posthumain}, journal = {Sens public}, doi = {10.7202/1067403ar} } @ARTICLE{mori2012ram, author={Mori, Masahiro and MacDorman, Karl F. and Kageki, Norri}, journal={IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine}, title={The Uncanny Valley [From the Field]}, year={2012}, volume={19}, number={2}, pages={98-100}, doi={10.1109/MRA.2012.2192811} } @article{stelarc2012leonardo, author = {Kroos, Christian and Herath, Damith and Stelarc}, year = {2012}, month = {10}, pages = {401-407}, title = {Evoking Agency: Attention Model and Behavior Control in a Robotic Art Installation}, volume = {45}, journal = {Leonardo}, doi = {10.1162/LEON_a_00435} } @incollection{penny2016springer, title={Robotics and art, computationalism and embodiment}, author={Penny, Simon}, booktitle={Robots and art}, pages={47-65}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} } @incollection{laumond2016springer, title={Robotics: Hephaestus does it again}, author={Laumond, Jean-Paul}, booktitle={Robots and Art}, pages={67-86}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} } @incollection{rinaldo2016springer, title={Trans-species interfaces: A Manifesto for symbiogenisis}, author={Rinaldo, Ken}, booktitle={Robots and Art}, pages={113-147}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} } @article{penny2015al, author = {Penny, Simon}, title = {Emergence, Agency, and Interaction—Notes from the Field}, journal = {Artificial Life}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {271-284}, year = {2015}, month = {08}, doi = {10.1162/ARTL_a_00167} } @inproceedings{penny2018robots, title={What Robots Still Can't Do (With Apologies to {H}ubert {D}reyfus) or: Deconstructing the Technocultural Imaginary.}, author={Penny, Simon}, booktitle={Robophilosophy/TRANSOR}, pages={3-5}, year={2018} } @ARTICLE{brezeal2021frai, AUTHOR={Ali, Safinah and Devasia, Nisha and Park, Hae Won and Breazeal, Cynthia}, TITLE={Social Robots as Creativity Eliciting Agents}, JOURNAL={Frontiers in Robotics and AI}, VOLUME={8}, PAGES={275}, YEAR={2021}, DOI={10.3389/frobt.2021.673730} } @inproceedings{hoffman2011hri, title={On stage: robots as performers}, author={Hoffman, Guy}, booktitle={RSS Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction: Perspectives and Contributions to Robotics from the Human Sciences. Los Angeles, CA}, volume={1}, pages={21}, year={2011} } @inbook{hoffman2020TheS, author = {Hoffman, Guy}, year = {2020}, month = {12}, pages = {}, title = {The Social Uncanniness of Robotic Companions}, isbn = {9781643681542}, doi = {10.3233/FAIA200953} } @INPROCEEDINGS{hoffman2010ira, author={Hoffman, Guy and Weinberg, Gil}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, title={Gesture-based human-robot Jazz improvisation}, volume={}, number={}, pages={582-587}, year={2010}, doi={10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509182} } @article{jenkins2009is, author = {Rocks, Claire and Jenkins, Sarah and Studley, Matthew and Mcgoran, David}, year = {2009}, month = {12}, pages = {427-452}, title = {Heart Robot, a public engagement project}, volume = {10}, journal = {Interaction Studies}, doi = {10.1075/is.10.3.07roc} } @article{frumer2020spectrum, author = {Frumer, Yulia}, year = {2020}, month = {06}, pages = {42-48}, title = {The short, strange life of the first friendly robot: Japan's {G}akutensoku was a giant pneumatic automaton that toured through Asia—until it mysteriously disappeared}, volume = {57}, journal = {IEEE Spectrum}, doi = {10.1109/MSPEC.2020.9099932} } @article{byrd2012jstor, ISSN = {03633276, 2328529X}, URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/41484423}, author = {Max Byrd}, journal = {The Wilson Quarterly (1976-)}, number = {1}, pages = {30-34}, publisher = {[Wilson Quarterly, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars]}, title = {Man as Machine}, volume = {36}, year = {2012} } @article{dixon2004tdr, author = {Dixon, Steve}, year = {2004}, month = {12}, pages = {15-46}, title = {Metal Performance Humanizing Robots, Returning to Nature, and Camping About}, volume = {48}, journal = {The Drama Review-a Journal of Performance Studies}, doi = {10.1162/1054204042442017} } @inproceedings{IEEEexample:conf_typical, author = "R. K. Gupta and S. D. Senturia", title = "Pull-in Time Dynamics as a Measure of Absolute Pressure", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} International Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems ({MEMS}'97)", address = "Nagoya, Japan", month = jan, year = "1997", pages = "290-294" } @book{IEEEexample:book_typical, author = "B. D. Cullity", title = "Introduction to Magnetic Materials", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, MA", year = "1972" } @misc{IEEEexample:TBPmisc, author = "M. Coates and A. Hero and R. Nowak and B. Yu", title = "Internet Tomography", howpublished = IEEE_M_SP, month = may, year = "2002", note = "to be published" } book with editor and no author From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1725, reference #1. @book{IEEEexample:bookwitheditor, editor = "J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes", title = "Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory, Design and Simulation", publisher = "{IEEE} Press.", address = "New York", year = "1992" } book with edition, author and editor Note that the standard BibTeX styles do not support book entries with both author and editor fields, but IEEEtran.bst does. The standard BibTeX way of specifying the edition is to use capitalized ordinal words such as "First", "Second", etc. Most .bst files can convert up to about "Fifth" into the format needed. IEEEtran.bst can convert up to "Tenth" to the "Arabic ordinal" form IEEE uses (e.g., "10th"). For editions over the tenth, it is best to use the "Arabic ordinal" form for IEEE related work (e.g., "101st") Note how "Jr." has to be entered. From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 856, reference #17. @book{IEEEexample:book, author = "S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko", editor = "Osgood, Jr., R. M.", title = "Laser Assisted Microtechnology", edition = "Second", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin, Germany", year = "1998" } book with series and volume From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 11, reference #31. @book{IEEEexample:bookwithseriesvolume, editor = "J. Breckling", title = "The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications to Wind Speed and Direction", series = "Lecture Notes in Statistics", publisher = "Springer", address = "Berlin, Germany", year = "1989", volume = "61" } inbook with chapter number. The pages field could also have been given. The chapter number could be changed to something else such as a section number via the type field: type = "sec.". From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems---I: Fundamental Applications and Theory", page 638, reference #22. @inbook{IEEEexample:inbook, author = "H. E. Rose", title = "A Course in Number Theory", publisher = "Oxford Univ. Press", address = "New York, NY", year = "1988", chapter = "3" } inbook with pages and note. The language field is not set to Russian because the title is presented here in its translated, English, form. From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics", page 1533, reference #5. @inbook{IEEEexample:inbookpagesnote, author = "B. K. Bul", title = "Theory Principles and Design of Magnetic Circuits", publisher = "Energia Press", address = "Moscow", year = "1964", pages = "464", note = "(in Russian)" } incollection with author and editor From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 807, reference #7. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollection, author = "W. V. Sorin", editor = "D. Derickson", title = "Optical Reflectometry for Component Characterization", booktitle = "Fiber Optic Test and Measurement", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", year = "1998" } incollection with series From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communication", page 609, reference #3. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollectionwithseries, author = "J. B. Anderson and K. Tepe", title = "Properties of the Tailbiting {BCJR} Decoder", booktitle = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models", series = "{IMA} Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", year = "2000" } incollection with author, editor, chapter and pages From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 16, reference #9. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollection_chpp, author = "P. Hedelin and P. Knagenhjelm and M. Skoglund", editor = "W. B. Kleijn and K. K. Paliwal", title = "Theory for Transmission of Vector Quantization Data", booktitle = "Speech Coding and Synthesis", publisher = "Elsevier Science", address = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands", year = "1995", chapter = "10", pages = "347-396" } incollection with a large number of authors, some authors/journals will use et al. for so many names. IEEEtran.bst can be configured to do this if desired, or "R. M. A. Dawson and others" can be used instead. Note that IEEE may not include the publisher for incollection entries - IEEEtran.bst will not issue a warning if the publisher is missing for incollections - but other .bst files often will. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", page 996, reference #12. @incollection{IEEEexample:incollectionmanyauthors, author = "R. M. A. Dawson and Z. Shen and D. A. Furst and S. Connor and J. Hsu and M. G. Kane and R. G. Stewart and A. Ipri and C. N. King and P. J. Green and R. T. Flegal and S. Pearson and W. A. Barrow and E. Dickey and K. Ping and C. W. Tang and S. Van. Slyke and F. Chen and J. Shi and J. C. Sturm and M. H. Lu", title = "Design of an Improved Pixel for a Polysilicon Active-Matrix Organic {LED} Display", booktitle = "{SID} Tech. Dig.", volume = "29", year = "1998", pages = "11-14" } A Motorola data book as a manual It is somewhat unusual to include the data book part number. in the title. It might be more correct to put this information in the howpublished field instead. From the December 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 1986, reference #10. @manual{IEEEexample:motmanual, title = "{FLEXChip} Signal Processor ({MC68175/D})", organization = "Motorola", year = "1996" } same reference, but using IEEEtran's howpublished extension @manual{IEEEexample:motmanualhowpub, title = "{FLEXChip} Signal Processor", howpublished = "{MC68175/D}", organization = "Motorola", year = "1996" } conference paper with an address and days. Some journals capitalize the letters in "Globecom", this one did not. From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 697, reference #12. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithadddays, author = "M. S. Yee and L. Hanzo", title = "Radial Basis Function Decision Feedback Equaliser Assisted Burst-by-burst Adaptive Modulation", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} Globecom '99", address = "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil", month = dec # " 5--9,", year = "1999", pages = "2183-2187" } conference paper with volume number. A conference proceedings with a vol number is a little uncommon, note that the vol number is placed before the address in the formatted bibliography entry From the April 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 181, reference #26. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithvolume, author = "M. Yajnik and S. B. Moon and J. Kurose and D. Towsley", title = "Measurement and Modeling of the Temporal Dependence in Packet Loss", booktitle = "Proc. {IEEE} {INFOCOM}'99", volume = "1", address = "New York, NY", month = mar, year = "1999", pages = "345-352" } conference paper with a paper number, the type field can be used to override the word "paper", e.g., type = "postdeadline paper". A type can be given even without a paper field. Also, IEEEtran.bst can be configured to ignore paper numbers and types. From the May 2002 issue of "Journal of Lightwave Technology", page 807, reference #4. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithpaper, author = "M. Wegmuller and J. P. von der Weid and P. Oberson and N. Gisin", title = "High Resolution Fiber Distributed Measurements With Coherent {OFDR}", booktitle = "Proc. {ECOC}'00", year = "2000", paper = "11.3.4", pages = "109" } conference paper with a postdeadline type paper, the paper field is optional. From the August 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1087, reference #12. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:confwithpapertype, author = "B. Mikkelsen and G. Raybon and R.-J. Essiambre and K. Dreyer and Y. Su. and L. E. Nelson and J. E. Johnson and G. Shtengel and A. Bond and D. G. Moodie and A. D. Ellis", title = "160 {Gbit/s} Single-channel Transmission Over 300 km Nonzero-dispersion Fiber With Semiconductor Based Transmitter and Demultiplexer", booktitle = "Proc. {ECOC}'99", year = "1999", paper = "2-3", type = "postdeadline paper", pages = "28-29" } presented at a conference intype overrides the default "in" and causes the booktitle not to be emphasized (rendered in italics). From the February 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 163, reference #6. @inproceedings{IEEEexample:presentedatconf, author = "S. G. Finn and M. M{\'e}dard and R. A. Barry", title = "A Novel Approach to Automatic Protection Switching Using Trees", intype = "presented at the", booktitle = "Proc. Int. Conf. Commun.", year = "1997" } master's thesis, often the University name will be abbreviated and the state or country will be included in the address. The type field can used to override the default type "Master's thesis" From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Microelectromechanical Systems", page 186, reference #11. @mastersthesis{IEEEexample:masters, author = "Nin C. Loh", title = "High-Resolution Micromachined Interferometric Accelerometer", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", address = "Cambridge", year = "1992" } master's thesis with a type field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #12. @mastersthesis{IEEEexample:masterstype, author = "A. Karnik", title = "Performance of {TCP} Congestion Control with Rate Feedback: {TCP/ABR} and Rate Adaptive {TCP/IP}", school = "Indian Institute of Science", type = "M. Eng. thesis", address = "Bangalore, India", month = jan, year = "1999" } Ph.D. dissertation with a URL field, the university is abbreviated From the October 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 590, reference #11. @phdthesis{IEEEexample:phdurl, author = "Q. Li", title = "Delay Characterization and Performance Control of Wide-area Networks", school = "Univ. of Delaware", address = "Newark", month = may, year = "2000", url = "http://www.ece.udel.edu/~qli" } technical report From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 490, reference #15. @techreport{IEEEexample:techrep, author = "R. Jain and K. K. Ramakrishnan and D. M. Chiu", title = "Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks with a Connectionless Network Layer", institution = "Digital Equipment Corporation", address = "MA", number = "DEC-TR-506", month = aug, year = "1987" } technical report with type for those times when "Tech. Rep." needs to be modified From the February 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 46, reference #8. @techreport{IEEEexample:techreptype, author = "J. Padhye and V. Firoiu and D. Towsley", title = "A Stochastic Model of {TCP} {R}eno Congestion Avoidance and Control", institution = "Univ. of Massachusetts", address = "Amherst, MA", type = "CMPSCI Tech. Rep.", number = "99-02", year = "1999" } technical report with type for those times when "Tech. Rep." needs to be modified This reference did not have an address. From the January 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 117, reference #6. @techreport{IEEEexample:techreptypeii, author = "D. Middleton and A. D. Spaulding", title = "A Tutorial Review of Elements of Weak Signal Detection in Non-{G}aussian {EMI} Environments", institution = "National Telecommunications and Information Administration ({NTIA}), U.S. Dept. of Commerce", type = "NTIA Report", number = "86-194", month = may, year = "1986" } an unpublished work for unpublished types, the note field is required. IEEE usually just uses the word "unpublished" for the note. From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #16. @unpublished{IEEEexample:unpublished, author = "T. J. Ott and N. Aggarwal", title = "{TCP} over {ATM}: {ABR} or {UBR}", note = "Unpublished" } electronic with a howpublished information field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 391, reference #7. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronhowinfo, author = "V. Jacobson", title = "Modified {TCP} Congestion Avoidance Algorithm", howpublished = "end2end-interest mailing list", url = "ftp://ftp.isi.edu/end2end/end2end-interest-1990.mail", month = apr, year = "1990" } electronic with a howpublished information field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 418, reference #31. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronhowinfo2, author = "V. Valloppillil and K. W. Ross", title = "Cache Array Routing Protocol v1.1", howpublished = "Internet draft", url = "http://ds1.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-vinod-carp-v1-03.txt", year = "1998" } electronic with an organization and address From the February 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 114, reference #15. @electronic{IEEEexample:electronorgadd, author = "D. H. Lorenz and A. Orda", title = "Optimal Partition of {QoS} Requirements on Unicast Paths and Multicast Trees", organization = "Dept. Elect. Eng., Technion", address = "Haifa, Israel", url = "ftp://ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/supported/ee/Network/lor.mopq98.ps", month = jul, year = "1998" } U.S. patent Use the type field to override the patent type. e.g., type = "Patent Application" The address is that of the assignee. Note that IEEE does not display the assignee, the address, and only displays one date. (if year is not present, the filed dates are used.) However, this information should be entered as other BibTeX styles may use it. alternatively, nationality could be entered as "U.S." From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 542, reference #6. @patent{IEEEexample:uspat, author = "Ronald E. Sorace and Victor S. Reinhardt and Steven A. Vaughn", assignee = "Hughes Aircraft Company", address = "Los Angeles, CA", title = "High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter", nationality = "United States", number = "5668842", dayfiled = "28", monthfiled = feb, yearfiled = "1995", day = "16", month = sep, year = "1997" } Japanese Patent From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 556, reference #6. @patent{IEEEexample:jppat, author = "U. Hideki", title = "Quadrature Modulation Circuit", nationality = "Japanese", number = "152932/92", day = "20", month = may, year = "1992" } French Patent request, the language field must be entered in lower case as this is the option name Babel uses. The nationality field needs to be capitalized. Because this is a patent request, the date filed fields are used while the date fields are left empty/missing. In other countries, the words "Patent Application", etc. are used instead. From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications", page 556, reference #9. @patent{IEEEexample:frenchpatreq, author = "F. Kowalik and M. Isard", title = "Estimateur d'un D{\'e}faut de Fonctionnement d'un Modulateur en Quadrature et {\'E}tage de Modulation l'Utilisant", language = "french", nationality = "French", type = "Patent Request", number = "9500261", dayfiled = "11", monthfiled = jan, yearfiled = "1995" } a periodical From the April 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 160, reference #1. sort key is needed for sorting styles @periodical{IEEEexample:periodical, title = IEEE_M_PCOM # ", Special Issue on Wireless {ATM}", volume = "3", month = aug, year = "1996", key = "IEEE" } standard, IEEE does not use the address for standards, but it is good to provide one for BibTeX styles that use it. From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 451, reference #2. @standard{IEEEexample:standard, title = "Wireless {LAN} Medium Access Control {(MAC)} and Physical Layer {(PHY)} Specification", organization = "IEEE", address = "Piscataway, NJ", number = "802.11", year = "1997" } standard with type and revision, the type overrides the word standard (or std.). Here a standard number is not available and a revision number is used. From the August 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1048, reference #13. @standard{IEEEexample:standardproposed, title = "Fiber Channel Physical Interface ({FC-PI})", institution = "NCITS", address = "Washington, DC", type = "Working Draft Proposed Standard", revision = "5.2", year = "1999" } standard draft as a misc with author From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication", page 725, reference #16. @misc{IEEEexample:draftasmisc, author = "I. Widjaja and A. Elwalid", title = "{MATE}: {MPLS} Adaptive Traffic Engineering", howpublished = "IETF Draft", year = "1999" } misc for a techreport like reference techreport is not perfectly suitable because this entry lacks an institution field From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 490, reference #22. @misc{IEEEexample:miscforum, author = "L. Roberts", title = "Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm {PRCA}", howpublished = "{ATM} Forum Contribution 94-0735R1", month = aug, year = "1994" } misc for a white paper From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 478, reference #4 - Note that the reference there (improperly?) used the author field for "Cisco". @misc{IEEEexample:whitepaper, title = "Advanced {QoS} Services for the Intelligent Internet", howpublished = "White Paper", organization = "Cisco", month = may, year = "1997" } misc for a data sheet From the November 2000 issue of "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", page 1551, reference #6. @misc{IEEEexample:datasheet, title = "{PDCA12-70} Data Sheet", organization = "Opto Speed SA", address = "Mezzovico, Switzerland" } Other unusual references a private communication as a misc entry type sometimes the designation "personal communication" is used instead From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1725, reference #16. @misc{IEEEexample:private, author = "S. Konyagin", howpublished = "private communication", year = "1998" } an internet request for comments (RFC) as a misc entry type It would also be nice to add a URL to these types of things. RFCs can also be handled as electronic references. From the April 2002 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 181, reference #14. @misc{IEEEexample:miscrfc, author = "K. K. Ramakrishnan and S. Floyd", title = "A Proposal to Add Explicit Congestion Notification ({ECN}) to {IP}", howpublished = "RFC 2481", month = jan, year = "1999" } a software package as a manual From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems", page 205, reference #20. Sometimes they put the version/release information in the title. @manual{IEEEexample:softmanual, title = "SaberDesigner Reference Manual", organization = "Analogy, Inc.", address = "Beaverton, OR", year = "1998", note = "Release 4.3" } a software package as an electronic reference From the February 2003 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", page 46, reference #24. If there is no author or organization, a sorting key is required for sorting styles. It might be a good idea to include month and year fields as well. @electronic{IEEEexample:softonline, title = "Ucb/lbnl/vint Network Simulator---ns (Version 2)", url = "http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/", key = "ns" } misc for a German regulation In German, the first letters of nouns are capitalized, so we do so here. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Journal in Selected Areas in Communication", page 892, reference #9. @misc{IEEEexample:miscgermanreg, title = "{M}essung von {S}t{\"o}rfeldern an {A}nlagen und {L}eitungen der {T}elekommunikation im {F}requenzbereich 9 {kHz} bis 3 {GHz}", language = "german", howpublished = "{M}e{\ss}vorschrift {R}eg {TP} {MV} 05", organization = "Regulierungsbeh{\"o}rde f{\"u}r {T}elekommunikation und {P}ost ({R}eg {TP})" } Ways to handle things like CCSDS's Blue Books journal article with a URL. However, this is not a very good approach because the Blue Books are not really journals and the author field has to be abused. From the June 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", page 1461, reference #7. @article{IEEEexample:bluebookarticle, author = "{Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)}", title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", journal = "Blue Book", number = "4", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a book However, it is not a good idea to have to use the author field for an organization (done here because the book entry type requires an author field). @book{IEEEexample:bluebookbook, author = "{Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)}", title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", series = "Blue Book", number = "4", publisher = "{CCSDS}", address = "Newport Beach, {CA}", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a manual This is a much better approach, but uses the howpublished field. @manual{IEEEexample:bluebookmanual, title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", howpublished = "ser. Blue Book, No. 4", organization = "Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)", address = "Newport Beach, CA", year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } CCSDS's Blue Book handled as a standard Probably the best approach for this particular case because the work is standard related. Note that IEEE does not display the address for standards. @standard{IEEEexample:bluebookstandard, title = "Telemetry Channel Coding", howpublished = "ser. Blue Book, No. 4", organization = "Consulative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)", address = "Newport Beach, CA", type = "Recommendation for Space Data System Standard", number = "101.0-B-4", month = May, year = "1999", url = "http://www.ccsds.org/documents/pdf/CCSDS-101.0-B-4.pdf" } An example of a IEEEtran control entry which can change some IEEEtran.bst settings. An entry like this must be cited via \bstctlcite{} command before the first real \cite{}. The same entry key cannot be called twice (just like multiple \cite{} of the same entry key place only one entry in the bibliography.) The available control fields are: CTLuse_article_number "no" turns off the display of the number for articles. "yes" enables CTLuse_paper "no" turns off the display of the paper and type fields in inproceedings. "yes" enables CTLuse_forced_etal "no" turns off the forced use of "et al." "yes" enables CTLmax_names_forced_etal The maximum number of names that can be present beyond which an "et al." usage is forced. Be sure that CTLnames_show_etal (below) is not greater than this value! CTLnames_show_etal The number of names that will be shown with a forced "et al.". Must be less than or equal to CTLmax_names_forced_etal CTLuse_alt_spacing "no" turns off the alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs. "yes" enables CTLalt_stretch_factor If alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs is enabled, this is the interword spacing stretch factor that will be used. For example, the default "4" here means that the interword spacing in entries with URLs can stretch to four times normal. Does not have to be an integer. CTLdash_repeated_names "no" turns off the "dashification" of repeated (i.e., identical to those of the previous entry) names. IEEE normally does this. "yes" enables CTLname_format_string The name format control string as explained in the BibTeX style hacking guide. IEEE style "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" is the default, CTLname_latex_cmd A LaTeX command that each name will be fed to (e.g., "\textsc"). Leave empty if no special font is desired for the names. The default is empty. CTLname_url_prefix The prefix text used before URLs. The default is "[Online]. Available:" A space will be inserted after this text. If this space is not wanted, just use \relax at the end of the prefix text. Those fields that are not to be changed can be left out. @IEEEtranBSTCTL{IEEEexample:BSTcontrol, CTLuse_article_number = "yes", CTLuse_paper = "yes", CTLuse_forced_etal = "no", CTLmax_names_forced_etal = "10", CTLnames_show_etal = "1", CTLuse_alt_spacing = "yes", CTLalt_stretch_factor = "4", CTLdash_repeated_names = "yes", CTLname_format_string = "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}", CTLname_latex_cmd = "", CTLname_url_prefix = "[Online]. Available:" } @book{searle1990mystery, title={The mystery of consciousness}, author={Searle, John R}, year={1990}, publisher={New York Review of Books} } @incollection{nagel1980like, title={What is it like to be a bat?}, author={Nagel, Thomas}, booktitle={The Language and Thought Series}, pages={159-168}, year={1980}, publisher={Harvard University Press} } @phdthesis{meera2023free, title={Free Energy Principle Based Precision Modulation for Robot Attention: Towards brain inspired robot intelligence}, author={Meera, A Anil}, year={2023} school={Delft University of Technology} } @article{sims2021springer, title={Modelling ourselves: what the free energy principle reveals about our implicit notions of representation}, author={Sims, Matt and Pezzulo, Giovanni}, journal={Synthese}, volume={199}, number={3-4}, pages={7801-7833}, year={2021}, publisher={Springer} } @inproceedings{crick1990saunders, title={Towards a neurobiological theory of consciousness}, author={Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof}, booktitle={Seminars in the Neurosciences}, volume={2}, pages={263-275}, year={1990}, organization={Saunders Scientific Publications} } @article{seth2018sage title={Consciousness: The last 50 years (and the next)}, author={Seth, Anil K}, journal={Brain and neuroscience advances}, volume={2}, pages={2398212818816019}, year={2018}, publisher={SAGE Publications} } @incollection{nagel1980like, title={What is it like to be a bat?}, author={Nagel, Thomas}, booktitle={The Language and Thought Series}, pages={159-168}, year={1980}, publisher={Harvard University Press} } @misc{block2002oxford, title={Some concepts of consciousness}, author={Block, Ned}, journal={Philosophy of mind: Classical and contemporary readings}, pages={206-218}, year={2002}, publisher={Oxford University Press Oxford} } @article{Chalmers1995jcs, author = {David Chalmers}, number = {3}, year = {1995}, pages = {200-19}, title = {Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness}, publisher = {Imprint Academic}, volume = {2}, journal = {Journal of Consciousness Studies} } @book{dennett1993consciousness, title={Consciousness explained}, author={Dennett, Daniel C}, year={1993}, publisher={Penguin uk} } @misc{chatila2022pourquoi, title={Pourquoi la reconnaissance faciale, posturale et comportementale soul{\`e}ve-t-elle des questionnements {\'e}thiques?}, author={Chatila, Raja and Tessier, Catherine}, year={2022} } @article{vanhaudenhuyse2007elsevier, title={D{\'e}tecter les signes de conscience chez le patient en {\'e}tat de conscience minimale}, author={Vanhaudenhuyse, A and Schnakers, C and Boly, M and Perrin, F and Br{\'e}dart, S and Laureys, S}, journal={R{\'e}animation}, volume={16}, number={6}, pages={527-532}, year={2007}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{friston2016mit, title={The pragmatic turn: Toward action-oriented views in cognitive science}, author={Engel, Andreas K and Friston, Karl J and Kragic, Danica}, volume={18}, year={2016}, publisher={mit Press} } @article{menary2010springer, title={Introduction to the special issue on 4E cognition}, author={Menary, Richard}, journal={Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences}, volume={9}, pages={459-463}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer} } @article{varela2017mit, title={The embodied mind}, author={Varela, Francisco J and Thompson, Evan and Rosch, Eleanor and Kabat-Zinn, Jon}, journal={(No Title)}, year={2017}, publisher={The MIT Press} } @book{penny2019mit, title={Making sense: Cognition, computing, art, and embodiment}, author={Penny, Simon}, year={2019}, publisher={MIT Press} } @article{benesch1999jstor, title={Technology, Art, and the Cybernetic Body: The Cyborg as Cultural Other in Fritz Lang's" Metropolis" and Philip K. Dick's" Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"}, author={Benesch, Klaus}, journal={Amerikastudien/American Studies}, pages={379-392}, year={1999}, publisher={JSTOR} } @article{rhee2013hopkins, title={Beyond the Uncanny Valley: Masahiro Mori and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?}, author={Rhee, Jennifer}, journal={Configurations}, volume={21}, number={3}, pages={301-329}, year={2013}, publisher={Johns Hopkins University Press} } @article{blasing2012neurocognitive, title={Neurocognitive control in dance perception and performance}, author={Bl{\"a}sing, Bettina and Calvo-Merino, Beatriz and Cross, Emily S and Jola, Corinne and Honisch, Juliane and Stevens, Catherine J}, journal={Acta psychologica}, volume={139}, number={2}, pages={300-308}, year={2012}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{kozel2008closer, title={Closer: performance, technologies, phenomenology}, author={Kozel, Susan}, year={2008} } @article{bitbol2018cp, title={La conscience artificielle: une critique pens{\'e}e et v{\'e}cue}, author={Bitbol, M}, journal={Chroniques Ph{\'e}nom{\'e}nologiques}, volume={10}, pages={5-15}, year={2018} } @article{dehaene2021springer, title={What is consciousness, and could machines have it?}, author={Dehaene, Stanislas and Lau, Hakwan and Kouider, Sid}, journal={Robotics, AI, and Humanity: Science, Ethics, and Policy}, pages={43-56}, year={2021}, publisher={Springer International Publishing} } @book{dehaene2014odile, title={Le Code de la conscience}, author={Dehaene, Stanislas}, year={2014}, publisher={Odile Jacob} } @book{lapassade1986emc, title={Les {\'e}tats modifi{\'e}s de conscience}, author={Lapassade, Georges}, year={1986}, publisher={FeniXX} } @article{ziemke2008role, title={On the role of emotion in biological and robotic autonomy}, author={Ziemke, Tom}, journal={BioSystems}, volume={91}, number={2}, pages={401-408}, year={2008}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{jochum2016cultivating, title={Cultivating the uncanny: The Telegarden and other oddities}, author={Jochum, Elizabeth and Goldberg, Ken}, journal={Robots and Art: Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis}, pages={149-175}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} } @article{asada2015towards, title={Towards artificial empathy: how can artificial empathy follow the developmental pathway of natural empathy?}, author={Asada, Minoru}, journal={International Journal of Social Robotics}, volume={7}, pages={19-33}, year={2015}, publisher={Springer} } @article{bret2005interacting, title={Interacting with an intelligent dancing figure: artistic experiments at the crossroads between art and cognitive science}, author={Bret, Michel and Tramus, Marie-H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Berthoz, Alain}, journal={Leonardo}, volume={38}, number={1}, pages={46-53}, year={2005}, publisher={MIT Press} } @article{aymerich2016second, title={The second me: Seeing the real body during humanoid robot embodiment produces an illusion of bi-location}, author={Aymerich-Franch, Laura and Petit, Damien and Ganesh, Gowrishankar and Kheddar, Abderrahmane}, journal={Consciousness and cognition}, volume={46}, pages={99-109}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{ziemke2016body, title={The body of knowledge: On the role of the living body in grounding embodied cognition}, author={Ziemke, Tom}, journal={Biosystems}, volume={148}, pages={4-11}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{penny2016improvisation, title={Improvisation and Interaction, Canons and Rules, Emergence and Play}, author={Penny, Simon}, journal={The Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies}, volume={2}, pages={401-23}, year={2016}, publisher={George E. 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Exemple de la collaboration entre Oriza Hirata et Hiroshi Ishiguro}, author={Pluta, Izabella and others}, journal={Publifarum}, number={29}, year={2018} } @article{zaven2014effets, title={Effets de pr{\'e}sence, relations hommes-andro{\"\i}des}, author={Zaven, Par{\'e}}, journal={sur Cultures Kairos}, year={2014} } @INPROCEEDINGS{circu2021lausanne, title={Towards a dance co-creation with robots}, author={Circu, Sorina-Silvia and Chen, Chu-Yin and Teles de Castro, Isadora and Kheddar, Abderrhamane}, booktitle={International Symposium "Limits of the human, machines without limits?"}, year={2021} } @INPROCEEDINGS{circu2023isea, title={How Digital Anthropomorphism Enhances Creativity in Human-to-Robot Dance Interactivity}, author={Circu, Sorina-Silvia and Chen, Chu-Yin}, booktitle={International Symposium on Electronic Art}, year={2023} } @INPROCEEDINGS{circu2023roman, title={Dance, Dance, Dance With My Hands: Third-Party Human Robot-Human Interactions}, author={Circu, Sorina-Silvia and Yun, Bruno Yun and Kheddar, Abderrahmane and Chen, Chu-Yin and Croitoru, Madalina}, booktitle={IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication}, year={2023} } @article{rafner2023creativity, title={Creativity in the age of generative AI}, author={Rafner, Janet and Beaty, Roger E and Kaufman, James C and Lubart, Todd and Sherson, Jacob}, journal={Nature Human Behaviour}, pages={1-3}, year={2023}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London} } @book{la2020understanding, title={Understanding innovation through exaptation}, author={La Porta, Caterina and Zapperi, Stefano and Pilotti, Luciano}, year={2020}, publisher={Springer} } @book{truman2021feminist, title={Feminist speculations and the practice of research-creation: Writing pedagogies and intertextual affects}, author={Truman, Sarah E}, year={2021}, publisher={Routledge} } @incollection{truman2015primacy, title={The primacy of movement in research-creation: New materialist approaches to art research and pedagogy}, author={Truman, Sarah E and Springgay, Stephanie}, booktitle={Art's teachings, teaching's art: Philosophical, critical and educational musings}, pages={151-162}, year={2015}, publisher={Springer} } @article{truman2015primacy, title={The primacy of movement in research-creation: New materialist approaches to art research and pedagogy}, author={Truman, Sarah E and Springgay, Stephanie}, journal={Art's Teachings, Teaching's Art: Philosophical, Critical and Educational Musings}, pages={151-162}, year={2015}, publisher={Springer} } @book{braidotti2019posthuman, title={Posthuman knowledge}, author={Braidotti, Rosi}, volume={2}, year={2019}, publisher={Polity Press Cambridge} } @article{braidotti2017four, title={Four theses on posthuman feminism}, author={Braidotti, Rosi and Grusin, Richard and others}, year={2017}, publisher={University of Minnesota Press} } @book{haraway2016staying, title={Staying with the trouble: Making kin in the Chthulucene}, author={Haraway, Donna J}, year={2016}, publisher={Duke University Press} } @article{barad2003posthumanist, title={Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of how matter comes to matter}, author={Barad, Karen}, journal={Signs: Journal of women in culture and society}, volume={28}, number={3}, pages={801-831}, year={2003}, publisher={The University of Chicago Press} } @article{sohier2022degre, title={Degr{\'e} d’autonomie et degr{\'e} de mat{\'e}rialit{\'e} d’apr{\`e}s l’{\oe}uvre d’Edmond Couchot: d’une matrice des humains artificiels {\`a} une recherche-cr{\'e}ation exp{\'e}rimentant la co-avatarisation}, author={Sohier, R{\'e}my}, journal={Hybrid. 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Revised Selected Papers 1}, pages={85--97}, year={2016}, organization={Springer} } @inproceedings{candau2017cultivating, title={Cultivating kinaesthetic awareness through interaction: Perspectives from somatic practices and embodied cognition}, author={Candau, Yves and Fran{\c{c}}oise, Jules and Alaoui, Sarah Fdili and Schiphorst, Thecla}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing}, pages={1-8}, year={2017} } @article{gunn2004learning, title={Learning as understanding in practice: Exploring interrelations between perception, creativity and skill}, author={Gunn, Wendy}, journal={Sensuous Knowledge: Creating a Tradition, Solstrand, Norway}, pages={26-28}, year={2004} } @article{eckersall2015towards, title={Towards a dramaturgy of robots and object-figures}, author={Eckersall, Peter}, journal={TDR/The Drama Review}, volume={59}, number={3}, pages={123-131}, year={2015}, publisher={MIT Press The MIT Press, 1 Rogers Street, Cambridge MA 02142-1209, USA~…} } @article{d2018cultural, title={Cultural exaptation and cultural neural reuse: A mechanism for the emergence of modern culture and behavior}, author={d’Errico, Francesco and Colag{\`e}, Ivan}, journal={Biological Theory}, volume={13}, number={4}, pages={213-227}, year={2018}, publisher={Springer} } @article{mosakas2021moral, title={On the moral status of social robots: considering the consciousness criterion}, author={Mosakas, Kestutis}, journal={AI \& SOCIETY}, volume={36}, pages={429-443}, year={2021}, publisher={Springer} } @article{zlatev2008proto, title={From proto-mimesis to language: Evidence from primatology and social neuroscience}, author={Zlatev, Jordan}, journal={Journal of Physiology-Paris}, volume={102}, number={1-3}, pages={137-151}, year={2008}, publisher={Elsevier} } @inproceedings{herzog2009conquest, title={Conquest of the Useless}, author={Herzog, Werner}, year={2009}, organization={Ecco} } @article{paquin2014methodologie, title={M{\'e}thodologie de la recherche-cr{\'e}ation}, author={Paquin, Louis-Claude}, journal={Rep{\'e}r{\'e} {\`a} http://lcpaquin. com/methoRC}, year={2014} } @article{citton2012theory, title={From theory to bricolage: indiscipline and the exemplary gestures of interpretation}, author={Citton, Yves}, journal={International Social Science Journal}, volume={63}, number={207-208}, pages={53-66}, year={2012} } @article{lim2016bridging, title={Bridging Gesture, Gesticulation, and Early Modern Dance: Rilke's Veitst{\"a}nzer in The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge}, author={Lim, Wesley}, journal={Dance Chronicle}, volume={39}, number={3}, pages={279-298}, year={2016}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis} } @article{penny2013art, title={Art and robotics: sixty years of situated machines}, author={Penny, Simon}, journal={AI \& society}, volume={28}, pages={147-156}, year={2013}, publisher={Springer} } @article{duffy2003anthropomorphism, title={Anthropomorphism and the social robot}, author={Duffy, Brian R}, journal={Robotics and autonomous systems}, volume={42}, number={3-4}, pages={177-190}, year={2003}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{ziemke2007embodied, title={The embodied self: Theories, hunches and robot models}, author={Ziemke, Tom}, journal={Journal of Consciousness Studies}, volume={14}, number={7}, pages={167-179}, year={2007}, publisher={Imprint Academic} } @article{brooks1990elephants, title={Elephants don't play chess}, author={Brooks, Rodney A}, journal={Robotics and autonomous systems}, volume={6}, number={1-2}, pages={3-15}, year={1990}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{sabisch2011choreographing, title={Choreographing Relations: Practical Philosophy and Contemporary Choreography in the works of Antonia Baehr, Gilles Deleuze, Juan Dominguez, F{\'e}lix Guattari, Xavier Le Roy and Eszter Salamon}, author={Sabisch, Petra}, year={2011}, publisher={epodium} } @article{gaut2010philosophy, title={The philosophy of creativity}, author={Gaut, Berys}, journal={Philosophy Compass}, volume={5}, number={12}, pages={1034-1046}, year={2010}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @article{saveriano2023dynamic, title={Dynamic movement primitives in robotics: A tutorial survey}, author={Saveriano, Matteo and Abu-Dakka, Fares J and Kramberger, Alja{\v{z}} and Peternel, Luka}, journal={The International Journal of Robotics Research}, volume={42}, number={13}, pages={1133-1184}, year={2023}, publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England} } @inproceedings{andrieu2005realite, title={La r{\'e}alit{\'e} physique du cerveau selon Raymond Ruyer}, author={Andrieu, Bernard}, booktitle={Bulletin d’histoire et d’{\'e}pist{\'e}mologie des sciences de la vie}, volume={12}, number={1}, year={2005} } @article{stecco2007anatomy, title={Anatomy of the deep fascia of the upper limb. 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