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# HalfAPI
This Python-based ASGI application aims to provide the core functionality to
multiple API domains.
It's developed at the [LIRMM](https://lirmm.fr) in Montpellier, France.
The name "halfAPI" comes from the deep relationship between it and
[halfORM](https://gite.lirmm.fr/newsi/halfORM), a project authored by
[Joël Maizi](https://gite.lirmm.fr/maizi).
You'll need a database with the API details. You can find the database model in halfapi/models/api.sql
**TODO :** include a token generation tool for testing purpose.
## Dependencies
- python3
- python3-pip
- libgit2-dev
## Installing
With local folder :
`pip3 install -r requirements.txt .[cli]`
From the repository :
`pip3 install git+ssh://git@gite.lirmm.fr:malves/halfapi.git[cli]`
## CLI usage
## Running
### Development mode
In the project's folder :
`halfapi run`
### Production
The production server may use different init systems. As our main server is Debian-based, we use systemd services to manage the api server. Find the right service files and configure them properly in order to make your production setup perfect.
cp conf/systemd/lirmm_api* /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start lirmm_api
To make it start at boot :
`systemctl enable lirmm_api`
To get the logs :
journalctl -f --unit lirmm_api
## Testing
### Installing
pip3 install .[cli][tests]
### Running
pytest -v