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# HalfAPI
This Python-based ASGI application aims to provide the core functionality to
multiple API domains.
It's developed at the [LIRMM](https://lirmm.fr) in Montpellier, France.
The name "halfAPI" comes from the deep relationship between it and
[halfORM](https://gite.lirmm.fr/newsi/halfORM), a project authored by
[Joël Maizi](https://gite.lirmm.fr/maizi).
You'll need a database with the API details. You can find the database model in halfapi/models/api.sql
**NOTE : The authentication module is deeply linked with [auth_lirmm](https://gite.lirmm.fr/newsi/auth_lirmm), so if you need to use the acl.connected function, you will need a running auth_lirmm server to get a token.**
**TODO :** include a token generation tool for testing purpose.
## Dependencies
- python3
- python3-pip
- poetry
- uvicorn
## Installing
`pip install .`
As the project uses the [poetry]() package manager, you first have to install it
for the current user. Be sur to have pip binary directory ($HOME/.local/bin)
included in your PATH.
`pip3 install poetry`
Be sur to include the bin directory of pip in your PATH.
Installation of the deps :
`poetry install`
If you need a domain, i.e: organigramme, just add `-E organigramme` to the command.
**NOTE : You need to run `poetry install` before installing any domains (that depends on halfapi).**
## API database
Populate the API database with te server information, the domain's routes, and their ACL by running the following command :
`poetry run halfapi dbupdate`
**NOTE: You need to have the domain's package installed if you want to populate the api routes module, as it check for the existence of the acl functions.**
### Database configuration
The api and domains' databases connection settings are stored by default in `/etc/half_orm`. Check halfORM documentation for more information on how to write these configuration files.
You can set the `HALFORM_SECRET` environment variable if you want to specify an authentication secret.
**TODO :** find a modular way to configure the database connection for each mounted domain
## Running
### Development mode
In the halfapi repository, type :
`poetry run halfapi`
If you need to launch the test suite (only works if you have pytest installed) :
`poetry run pytest`
### Production
The production server may use different init systems. As our main server is Debian-based, we use systemd services to manage the api server. Find the right service files and configure them properly in order to make your production setup perfect.
cp conf/systemd/lirmm_api* /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start lirmm_api
To make it start at boot :
`systemctl enable lirmm_api`
To get the logs :
journalctl -f --unit lirmm_api